- jock
- [dʒɒk] n
1. шотл. Джок (мужское имя); см. John2. воен. жарг.1) шотландский солдат2) pl шотландские войска3. крестьянин, деревенщина; мужлан
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
jock — jock·er; jock·ey·ship; jock; jock·strap; jock·te·leg; Jock·ey; jock·ey; … English syllables
jock — n. 1. a person trained to compete in sports; an athlete. [WordNet sense 1] Syn: athlete. [WordNet 1.5] 2. A jockstrap. [PJC] 3. A {disk jockey}. [PJC] {shock jock} a radio talk show host who is notorious for voicing unpopular, controversial, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
jock — [ dʒak ] noun count 1. ) AMERICAN INFORMAL a student who plays a lot of sports. This word often shows that you do not like people like this, and it is used especially by other students who do not take part in sports. 2. ) AMERICAN INFORMAL a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
jock — (n.) 1952, short for JOCKSTRAP (Cf. jockstrap) supporter of the male genital organs, which also meant, in slang, athletic male. Jock with the meaning an athletic man is from 1963, American English slang … Etymology dictionary
jock — ► NOUN informal 1) a disc jockey. 2) N. Amer. an enthusiast or participant in a specified activity: a computer jock … English terms dictionary
jock|ey — «JOK ee», noun, plural eys, verb, eyed, ey|ing. –n. 1. a person who rides horses in races as an occupation. 2. U.S. Slang. the operator of a vehicle or machine: »a truck jockey, a typewriter jockey. 3. Especially British. a crafty bargainer; … Useful english dictionary
jock|o — «JOK oh», noun, plural jock|os. 1. = monkey. (Cf. ↑monkey) 2. = chimpanzee. (Cf. ↑chimpanzee) ╂[< French jocko, also enjocko < engeco < ncheko, the West African name] … Useful english dictionary
Jock — Jock, doppeltes Zugtau (Talje) mit zwei Scheibenblöcken, die man an den Handgriff des Steuerruders befestigt, um bei Sturm das Ruder bewegen zu können … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Jock — m Scottish: variant of JACK (SEE Jack), sometimes used as an archetypal nickname for a Scotsman. Variant: Seoc (Gaelic). Pet forms: Jockie, Jockey, Jockan; Seocan (Gaelic) … First names dictionary
jock — [dʒɔk US dʒa:k] n informal [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: jockstrap] 1.) AmE someone, especially a student, who plays a lot of sport and is often considered to be stupid 2.) BrE someone from Scotland sometimes used in an insulting way 3.) a ↑disc… … Dictionary of contemporary English
jock — [n] athlete competitor, letterman/woman, letterperson, player, sportsman/woman, sportsperson; concept 366 … New thesaurus