

1> антинегритянский
jim-crow laws законы, ущемляющие права негритянского населения
jim-crow outrages расистские выступления
2> сегрегированный по расовому признаку
jim-crow bus _ист. автобус с отделениями для негров и белых
jim-crow regiments "черные" полки (в армии)
jim-crow car _ист. вагон для негров или вагон с отделениями
для негров
3> проводить расовую дискриминацию; дискриминировать негров
4> _ам. _ж-д. ручной пресс для сгибания и правки рельсов

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "jimcrow" в других словарях:

  • JimCrow — Jim Crow or jim crow (jĭmʹ krōʹ) n. The systematic practice of discriminating against and segregating Black people, especially as practiced in the American South from the end of Reconstruction to the mid 20th century. adj. 1. Upholding or… …   Universalium

  • Barbara Rose Johns — (1935 1991) was an African American rights activist who campaigned for integration at her school in 1951, when she was 16.Early lifeBarbara Rose Johns was born in New York City, New York in 1935. Her family had roots in Prince Edward County,… …   Wikipedia

  • Nigger — This article is about the pejorative use of the word. For nigga as a colloquial reference, see Nigga. For other uses, see Nigger (disambiguation). Not to be confused with niggardly …   Wikipedia

  • Irene Morgan — (April 9 1917 ndash; August 10 2007), later known as Irene Morgan Kirkaldy, was an important predecessor to Rosa Parks in the successful fight to overturn segregation laws in the United States. Like the more famous Parks, but eleven years earlier …   Wikipedia

  • Pickaninny — (also picaninny or piccaninny) is a term ndash; generally considered derogatory ndash; that in English usage refers to black children, or a caricature of them which is widely considered racist. It is a pidgin word form, which may be derived from… …   Wikipedia

  • Richmond Shipyards — Infobox nrhp | name =Richmond Shipyard Number Three nrhp type = caption = location= Richmond, California lat degrees = 37 | lat minutes = 54 | lat seconds = 22.3 | lat direction = N long degrees = 122 | long minutes = 21 | long seconds = 52.79 |… …   Wikipedia

  • Lucy Diggs Slowe — Infobox Person color=light black name=Lucy Diggs Slowe image size=100px caption= occupation= founder of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated; educator, college dean, and tennis champion dead= dead birth date=July 4, 1885 birth… …   Wikipedia

  • Sarah Keys v. Carolina Coach Company — Sarah Keys v. Carolina Coach Company, 64 MCC 769 (1955) is a landmark civil rights case in the United States in which the Interstate Commerce Commission, in response to a bus segregation complaint filed in 1953 by a Women s Army Corps (WAC)… …   Wikipedia

  • Irene Morgan Kirkaldy — (* 9. April 1917; † 10. August 2007 im Gloucester County, Virginia) war eine US amerikanische Bürgerrechtlerin. Sie beteiligte sich am Kampf um die Abschaffung der staatlich sanktionierten Rassentrennung in den USA. Elf Jahre früher als die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Birth of a Nation — Infobox Film name = The Birth of a Nation image size = 215px caption = theatrical poster director = D. W. Griffith producer = D. W. Griffith Harry Aitken [ [http://www.cobbles.com/simpp archive/dwgriffith.htm D. W. Griffith: Hollywood Independent …   Wikipedia

  • D. W. Griffith — Born David Llewelyn Wark Griffith January 22, 1875(1875 01 22) LaGrange, Kentucky, United States Died …   Wikipedia

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