- jihad
- [dʒı|ʹhɑ:d,-{dʒı}ʹhæd] n араб.
1. джихад, газават, священная война2. кампания, (крестовый) поход (против чего-л.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
JIHĀD — JIHĀD, struggle or striving, but often understood both within Muslim tradition and beyond it as warfare against infidels (Enc. of the Qur ān, S.V. Jihād); in other words, the Holy War. During the period of muhammad s stay in medina some of his… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Jihad (EP) — Jihad EP de OTEP Publicación Junio 19 del 2001 Grabación 2000 Género(s) Nu metal, rap metal, gothic metal Duración … Wikipedia Español
jihad — jihád s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic JIHÁD s. n. (la musulmani) război sfânt. (< engl. jihad) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Jihad — Nom de personne arabe qui correspond à jihâd (= effort). Avec le même sens : Jouhad, Jahad … Noms de famille
Jihad — Ji*had , Jehad Je*had , n. [Ar. jih[=a]d.] (Moham.) A religious war against infidels or Mohammedan heretics; also, any bitter war or crusade for a principle or belief. [Their] courage in war . . . had not, like that of the Mohammedan dervishes of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
jihad — (n.) 1869, from Arabic, usually translated as holy war, lit. struggle, contest, effort, from infinitive of jahada he waged war, he applied himself to. Used in English since c.1880 for any sort of doctrinal crusade … Etymology dictionary
jihad — o gihad /ʒiˈad, ar. dʒiˈhæːd/ [vc. ar., propr. «lotta, combattimento»] s. m. o f. inv. guerra santa … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
jihad — meaning ‘a holy war undertaken by Muslims against unbelievers’, is pronounced jee hahd, and is preferably spelt this way rather than jehad … Modern English usage
jihad — (also jehad) ► NOUN ▪ a holy war undertaken by Muslims against unbelievers. ORIGIN Arabic, effort … English terms dictionary
jihad — [jē häd′] n. [Ar, a contest, war] 1. a war by Muslims against unbelievers or enemies of Islam, carried out as a religious duty 2. a fanatic campaign for or against an idea, etc.; crusade … English World dictionary
Jihad — For other uses, see Jihad (disambiguation) … Wikipedia