- jestbook
1> сборник шуток, анекдотов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
jestbook — /jest book /, n. a book of jests or jokes. [1740 50] * * * … Universalium
jestbook — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a book containing jests and jokes called also jokebook * * * /jest book /, n. a book of jests or jokes. [1740 50] * * * jestˈbook noun A collection of funny stories • • • Main Entry: ↑jest … Useful english dictionary
Thomas Lovell Beddoes — (* 20. Juli 1803 in Clifton; † 26. Januar 1849 in Basel) war englischer Dichter. Thomas Lovell Beddoes wurde in Clifton in England als Sohn des Naturforschers Thomas Beddoes (1760–1808) geboren. Er kam zuerst in die Schule in Bath, später in das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Beddoes — (spr. béddōs), Thomas Lovell, engl. Dichter, geb. 20. Juli 1803 in Clifton, gest. 26. Jan. 1849 in Basel, Sohn des Naturforschers Thomas B. (gest. 1806), kam zuerst in die Schule zu Bath, 1820 nach Oxford, wo er bald durch seine später von ihm… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
joe miller — ˈmilə(r) noun Usage: usually capitalized J&M Etymology: from Joe Miller s Jest book (1739), a collection of jokes by John Mottley died 1750 English writer, after Joe Miller died 1738 English comedian 1. : a book of jokes 2. : joke; … Useful english dictionary
Joe Miller — 1. a book of jokes. 2. an old, familiar joke; chestnut. [1780 90; after Joe Miller s Jestbook (1739) by John Mottley] * * * … Universalium
Miller — /mil euhr/, n. 1. Arthur, born 1915, U.S. playwright and novelist. 2. Glenn, 1904 44, U.S. dance bandleader and trombonist. 3. Henry, 1891 1980, U.S. novelist. 4. Joaquin /wah keen /, (Cincinnatus Heine Miller), 1841 1913, U.S. poet. 5 … Universalium
double entendre — Synonyms and related words: ambiguity, ambiguousness, amphibology, belly laugh, blue story, complexity of meaning, counterword, dirty joke, dirty story, double meaning, double reference, equivocacy, equivocal, equivocality, equivocalness,… … Moby Thesaurus
fun — Synonyms and related words: act, action, amusement, amusing, animal pleasure, ball, be merry with, beguiling, behave, belly laugh, big time, blitheness, blue story, bodily pleasure, carnal delight, comfort, content, contentment, coziness, crack a … Moby Thesaurus
gag — Synonyms and related words: Oregon boat, acoustic tile, acting, antiknock, asphyxiate, baffler, balk, barf, be nauseated, be seasick, be sick, belly laugh, bilbo, blue story, boggle, bond, bonds, bottle up, bridle, bring up, buffoonery, business … Moby Thesaurus
howler — Synonyms and related words: Irish bull, belly laugh, bloomer, blooper, blue story, blunder, bobble, bonehead play, boner, boo boo, boob stunt, boot, clanger, clinker, dirty joke, dirty story, double entendre, dumb trick, error, ethnic joke, fool… … Moby Thesaurus