- jehoshaphat
- [dʒıʹhɒʃəfæt] n
1. библ. Иосафат2. в грам. знач. междометия что за чертовщина!
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
JEHOSHAPHAT — (Heb. יְהוֹשָׁפָט), king of Judah, son of asa and azubah , daughter of Shilhi (I Kings 22:42; II Chron. 20:31). Jehoshaphat ruled Judah for 25 years, during the second third of the ninth century B.C.E. He was a contemporary of Ahab, Ahaziah, and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Jehoshaphat — • Fourth King of Juda after the schism of the Ten Tribes Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Jehoshaphat — [ji häsh′ə fat΄, jihäs′ə fat΄] n. [Heb yehōshāphāt, lit., God has judged] Bible a king of Judah in the 9th cent. B.C.: 2 Chron. 17 21 … English World dictionary
Jehoshaphat — See Josaphat for other meanings of the name.Jehoshaphat or Jehosaphat or Josaphat or Yehoshafat (Hebrew Name|יְהוֹשָׁפָט|Yəhošafat|Yəhôšāp̄āṭ| Jehovah is the judge ) was the successor of Asa, king of Judah. His children included Jehoram of Judah … Wikipedia
Jehoshaphat — Jehovah judged. 1) One of David s body guard (1 Chr. 11:43). 2) One of the priests who accompanied the removal of the ark to Jerusalem (1 Chr. 15:24). 3) Son of Ahilud, recorder or annalist under David and Solomon (2 Sam. 8:16), a… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Jehoshaphat — Son of Asa; he became king of Judah about 873 BCE and reigned for twenty five years (1 Kgs. 15:24; 2 Chron. 20:31) as the contemporary of Ahab of Israel (1 Kgs. 22), with whom he formed an alliance against Syria. The prophet Micaiah tried to… … Dictionary of the Bible
Jehoshaphat — /ji hosh euh fat , hos /, n. a king of Judah, son of Asa, who reigned in the 9th century B.C. I Kings 22:41 50. * * * ▪ king of Judah also called Josaphat, Hebrew Yehoshaphat, king (c. 873–c. 849 BC) of Judah during the reigns in… … Universalium
Jehoshaphat — /dʒəˈhoʊsəfæt/ (say juh hohsuhfat) noun 1. a king of Judah, son of Asa, who reigned in the 9th century BC. 1 Kings 22:41–50. –phrase 2. jumping Jehoshaphat, (an exclamation of astonishment, irritation, etc.) Also, Jehosaphat, Jehoshophat …
JEHOSHAPHAT, VALLEY OF — (Heb. עֵמֶק יְהוֹשָׁפָט), place mentioned in Joel 4:2, 12 where in the fullness of time God will gather all the nations to judge them. According to II Chronicles 20:26, the army of King Jehoshaphat assembled, after the defeat of his enemies, in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Jehoshaphat ben Saul — was the son of Saul ben Anan and the grandson of Anan ben David. He lived in Iraq during the early ninth century. Jehoshaphat was nasi and resh galuta of the nascent Karaite movement of Judaism. He was the father of Boaz ben Jehoshaphat … Wikipedia
Jehoshaphat, Valley of — • Mentioned in only one passage of the Bible (Joel, iii Heb. text, iv) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia