
1. [͵dʒɑ:vəʹni:z] n
1. яванец; яванка

the Javanese - собир. яванцы

2. яванский язык
2. [͵dʒɑ:vəʹni:z] a

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "javanese" в других словарях:

  • Javanese — may refer to:*island of JavaIt may also refer to: *Javanese beliefs *Javanese calendar a calendar in use by the Javanese people of Indonesia *Javanese (cat), a breed of domestic cat *Javanese cuisine *Javanese language *Javanese people and their… …   Wikipedia

  • Javanese — [jä΄və nēz′, jä΄vənēs′; jav΄ə nēz, jav΄ənēs] adj. of Java or its people, language, or culture n. 1. pl. Javanese a person born or living on Java; esp., a member of a group of peoples occupying the main part of Java 2. the Western Austronesian… …   English World dictionary

  • Javanese — Jav a*nese , a. Of or pertaining to Java, or to the people of Java. n. sing. & pl. A native or natives of Java. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Javanese — /jav euh neez , nees , jah veuh /, adj., n., pl. Javanese. adj. 1. of or pertaining to the island of Java, its people, or their language. n. 2. a member of the native Malayan people of Java, esp. of that branch of it in the central part of the… …   Universalium

  • Javanese — noun (plural Javanese) Etymology: Java + nese (as in Japanese) Date: 1704 1. a member of an Indonesian people inhabiting the island of Java 2. an Austronesian language of the Javanese people • Javanese adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Javanese — /dʒavəˈniz/ (say jahvuh neez) adjective 1. of or relating to the island of Java, its people, or their language. –noun 2. (plural Javanese) a member of the indigenous Malayan people of Java, especially that branch of it in the central part of the… …  

  • Javanese — noun (plural same) 1》 a native or inhabitant of Java, or a person of Javanese descent. 2》 the Indonesian language of central Java. adjective relating to Java …   English new terms dictionary

  • Javanese — Jav•a•nese [[t]ˌdʒæv əˈniz, ˈnis, ˌdʒɑ və [/t]] n. pl. nese, adj. 1) peo a member of an Indonesian people mainly of the central and E parts of Java 2) peo the Austronesian language of this people 3) peo any native or inhabitant of Java 4) peo of… …   From formal English to slang

  • Javanese — n. & adj. n. (pl. same) 1 a a native of Java in Indonesia. b a person of Javanese descent. 2 the language of Java. adj. of or relating to Java, its people, or its language …   Useful english dictionary

  • Javanese literature — is, generally speaking, literature from Java and, more specifically, from areas where Javanese is spoken. However, similar with other literary traditions, Javanese language works were and not not necessarily produced only in Java, but also in… …   Wikipedia

  • Javanese cuisine — refers to the food of the people of Java Island, Indonesia.The island of Java is multiethnic. Not all Javanese islanders belong to the Javanese ethnic group. There are other prominent ethnic groups too: Sundanese in West Java, and Madurese on… …   Wikipedia

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