- jasperware
1> веджвуд (сорт фарфора)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Jasperware — [ dʒæspə(r) ; englisch, zu jasper »Jaspis« und ware »(Töpfer )Ware« (wegen der jaspisähnlichen Färbung)] die, / n, feines, unglasiertes, lichtdurchlässiges Steinzeug, das 1775 von J. Wedgwood entwickelt wurde. Es wurde weiß hergestellt oder… … Universal-Lexikon
Jasperware — url= http://www.vam.ac.uk/images/image/38629 popup.html title= Jasperware vase and cover work=Ceramics accessdate= 2007 12 09] Victoria and Albert Museum, London] Jasperware (or jasper ware) is a form of pottery that has a stoneware body which is … Wikipedia
jasperware — jasper ware or jas·per·ware (jăsʹpər wâr ) n. A fine white stoneware originally produced by Josiah Wedgwood, often colored by metallic oxides with raised designs remaining white. * * * ▪ stoneware type of fine grained, unglazed stoneware… … Universalium
Jasperware — Jas|per|wa|re [ dʒɛspɐ...] die; , en <aus gleichbed. engl. jasperware, zu jasper »Jaspis« (vgl. ↑Jaspis) u. ware »(Töpfer)ware«> farbiges [mit weißen Reliefs verziertes] engl. Steingut aus Töpferton u. pulverisiertem Feuerstein … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
jasperware — noun Date: 1857 jasper 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
jasperware — noun A form of pottery that has a stoneware body which is either white or colored, which is noted for its matte finish. It is a popular blue and white ware, but it comes in many other colors … Wiktionary
jasperware — jas·per·ware … English syllables
Jasperware — Jas|per|wa|re [ dʒ̮ɛs... ] <englisch> (farbiges, weiß verziertes Steingut) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
jasperware — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : jasper 2 … Useful english dictionary
Wedgwood ware — English stoneware made by Staffordshire factories originally established by Josiah Wedgwood. Creamware appealed to the middle class because of its high quality, durability, and affordability. Black basaltes (from 1768), unglazed stoneware of fine … Universalium
Steinzeug — Chinesische Steinzeugvase aus der Song Dynastie, 11. Jh … Deutsch Wikipedia