jane doe

jane doe
[͵dʒeınʹdəʋ] юр.
Джейн Доу, условное наименование лица женского пола, чьё имя неизвестно или по тем или иным причинам не оглашается; ≅ имярек

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "jane doe" в других словарях:

  • Jane Doe — 1) A fictitious name used for a possible female defendant who is unknown at the time a complaint is filed to start a lawsuit. 2) The temporary fictitious name given to an unidentified hospitalized or dead woman. Category: Criminal Law Category:… …   Law dictionary

  • jane doe — is a name given to an unidentified female who may be party to legal proceedings, or to an unidentified person in hospital, or dead. John Doe is the male equivalent …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • Jane Doe — [ˌdʒeın ˈdəu US ˈdou] n [U and C] AmE used especially by the police to refer to a woman whose name is not known →↑John Doe …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Jane Doe — [ ,dʒeın dou ] noun count AMERICAN 1. ) a woman whose name is not known. The name for such a man is John Doe. 2. ) an average ordinary woman …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • jane Doe —    Jane Doe is a name given to an unidentified female who may be party to legal proceedings, or to an unidentified person in hospital, or dead. John Doe is the male equivalent.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Jane Doe — Jane′ Doe′ [[t]ˈdʒeɪn ˈdoʊ[/t]] n. law a fictitious name used in legal proceedings for a female whose name is unknown Compare John Doe Etymology: 1935–40 …   From formal English to slang

  • Jane Doe —   Jane Doe is a name given to an unidentified female who may be party to legal proceddings, or to an unidentied person in hospital, or dead.   John Doe is the male equivalent …   Dictionary of English idioms

  • Jane Doe — n. DOE …   English World dictionary

  • Jane Doe — John Doe Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. En anglais, John Doe (version féminine : Jane Doe) est une expression pouvant désigner une personne non identifiée, ou servir de nom… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jane Doe — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Jane Doe – Allein gegen alle! Originaltitel Jane Doe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jane Doe — UK [ˌdʒeɪn ˈdəʊ] / US [ˌdʒeɪn ˈdoʊ] noun [countable] Word forms Jane Doe : singular Jane Doe plural Jane Does American a woman whose name is not known. The name for such a man is John Doe …   English dictionary

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