
[͵dʒæmbəʹlaıə] n амер.
1) джамбалайя, плов с ветчиной, курицей или устрицами
2) смесь разнородных элементов; всякая всячина

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "jambalaya" в других словарях:

  • Jambalaya — (pronEng|ˌdʒʌmbəˈlaɪə or ) or is a Louisiana Creole dish of Spanish and French creation. The dish is a New World version of the Old World dish paella. A Cajun version, loosely related to paella, was adopted after absorption of white French… …   Wikipedia

  • Jambalaya — bezeichnet: ein Reisgericht aus der Cajun Küche, siehe Jambalaya (Gericht) einen Country Song von Hank Williams, siehe Jambalaya (Lied) eine Insel im Computerspiel Monkey Island 4 eine oder mehrere Linotype Schriftarten die Folge Wacky races… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • jambalaya — jam ba*lay a (j[u^]m b[.a]*l[imac] [.a]), n. A spicy Creole dish of rice with ham, sausage, chicken, or shellfish, plus tomatoes, and seasoned with peppers, onions, herbs, and celery. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • jambalaya — n. m. (Louisiane) Mets à base de riz et de crevettes, d huîtres ou de viande. Fig. Mélange …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • jambalaya — 1872, from Louisiana French, from Prov. jambalaia stew of rice and fowl …   Etymology dictionary

  • jambalaya — (izg. džambalája) ž DEFINICIJA kulin. kreolski specijalitet od školjki, račića i piletine ili šunke kuhane s rižom ETIMOLOGIJA engl. ← prov. jambalaia …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • jambalaya — ☆ jambalaya [jum΄bə lī′ə, jam′bə lī′ə ] n. [AmFr (Louisiana) < Prov jambalaia] 1. a Creole stew made of rice and shrimp, oysters, crabs, ham, chicken, etc., with spices and, often, vegetables 2. any jumbled mixture …   English World dictionary

  • Jambalaya — Plato de jambalaya. La jambalaya es un plato cuyo ingrediente base es el arroz. Los principales ingredientes son: pollo, jamón crudo, langostinos y mucha pimienta. Características Es un plato sazonado que resulta picante, y que puede ser… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Jambalaya — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Jambalaya (homonymie). Porc et jambalaya Jambalaya, ou Jumbalaya, est un mot très utilisé en musique et en cuisine. En cuisine, il reco …   Wikipédia en Français

  • jambalaya — jam|ba|lay|a [ ,dʒʌmbə laıə ] noun uncount a food made from rice, SHELLFISH (=small ocean creatures that live in shells), and chicken. Jambalaya was originally Cajun food, from the southern U.S …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • jambalaya — UK [ˌdʒæmbəˈlaɪə] / US [ˌdʒʌmbəˈlaɪə] noun [uncountable] a food made from rice, shellfish, and chicken. Jambalaya was originally a Cajun food, from the southern US …   English dictionary

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