- jacobian
1> _мат. якобиан
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Jacobian — [jə kō′bē ən] n. 〚after Karl G. J. Jakobi (1804 51), Ger mathematician〛 Math. a determinant whose elements are the first, partial derivatives of a finite number of functions of the same number of variables, with the elements in each row being the … Universalium
Jacobian — [jə kō′bē ən] n. [after Karl G. J. Jakobi (1804 51), Ger mathematician] Math. a determinant whose elements are the first, partial derivatives of a finite number of functions of the same number of variables, with the elements in each row being the … English World dictionary
Jacobian — In vector calculus, the Jacobian is shorthand for either the Jacobian matrix or its determinant, the Jacobian determinant. In algebraic geometry the Jacobian of a curve means the Jacobian variety: a group variety associated to the curve, in which … Wikipedia
Jacobian — Jacobean Ja*co be*an (?; 277), Jacobian Ja*co bi*an, a. [From L. Jacobus James. See 2d {Jack}.] Of or pertaining to James the First, of England, or of his reign or times; especially, pertaining to a style of architecture and decoration popular in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Jacobian — jakobianas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Jacobian vok. Jakobian, n rus. якобиан, m pranc. jacobien, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
jacobian — jəˈkōbēən, yə noun also jacobian determinant ( s) Usage: usually capitalized J Etymology: K.G.J. Jacobi died 1851 German mathematician + English an : a determinant in which the elements of the first column are the pa … Useful english dictionary
Jacobian conjecture — In mathematics, the Jacobian conjecture is a celebrated problem on polynomials in several variables. It was first posed in 1939 by Ott Heinrich Keller. It was later named and widely publicised by Shreeram Abhyankar, as an example of a question in … Wikipedia
Jacobian variety — In mathematics, the Jacobian variety of a non singular algebraic curve C of genus g ge; 1 is a particular abelian variety J , of dimension g . The curve C is a subvariety of J , and generates J as a group.Analytically, it can be realized as the… … Wikipedia
Jacobian action — Jakobio veikimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Jacobian action vok. Jakobische Wirkung, f rus. действие по Якоби, n pranc. action jacobienne, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
jacobian determinant — noun see jacobian … Useful english dictionary
Jacobian — noun Etymology: K. G. J. Jacobi died 1851 German mathematician Date: 1881 a determinant which is defined for a finite number of functions of the same number of variables and in which each row consists of the first partial derivatives of the same… … New Collegiate Dictionary