
1. [ıtʃ] n
1. 1) зуд
2) (the itch) чесотка

to have /to suffer from/ the itch - испытывать зуд; болеть чесоткой

2. непреодолимое желание, жажда (чего-л.); стремление (к чему-л.); страсть, вожделение

an itch for money [gold, gain] - жажда денег [золота, наживы]

an itch of originality - стремление быть оригинальным

an itch to explore - исследовательский зуд

2. [ıtʃ] v
1. чесаться, зудеть; свербеть
2. испытывать зуд, непреодолимое желание

he itched to know our secret - разг. ему не терпелось узнать наш секрет

my fingers itch to give him a thrashing - у меня руки чешутся поколотить его

3. вызывать зуд
4. досаждать, раздражать

to scratch one where one itches - ≅ потакать, гладить по шёрстке

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "itch" в других словарях:

  • Itch — Itch, n. 1. (Med.) An eruption of small, isolated, acuminated vesicles, produced by the entrance of a parasitic mite (the {Sarcoptes scabei}), and attended with itching. It is transmissible by contact. [1913 Webster] 2. Any itching eruption.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • itch — verb. Itch is recorded with the transitive meaning ‘to cause to itch’ from the 16c, but in BrE is now usually informal only, although it is still standard in AmE. Some examples are poetic: • The thick super salty water of the Mediterranean, which …   Modern English usage

  • itch´i|ly — itch|y «IHCH ee», adjective, itch|i|er, itch|i|est. 1. that itches; itching: »an itchy sore, itchy skin. 2. Figurative …   Useful english dictionary

  • itch|y — «IHCH ee», adjective, itch|i|er, itch|i|est. 1. that itches; itching: »an itchy sore, itchy skin. 2. Figurative …   Useful english dictionary

  • itch — [n1] scratching; tingling crawling, creeping, irritation, itchiness, prickling, psoriasis, rawness, tickle; concepts 608,728 itch [n2] strong desire aphrodisia, appetite, appetition, concupiscence, craving, eroticism, hankering, hunger, impulse,… …   New thesaurus

  • itch — [ich] vi. [ME yicchen, icchen < OE giccan, akin to Ger jucken] 1. to feel or cause an irritating sensation on the skin that makes one want to scratch the affected part 2. to have a restless desire or hankering vt. 1. to make itch 2. to… …   English World dictionary

  • Itch — ([i^]ch), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Itched} ([i^]cht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Itching}.] [OE. icchen, [yogh]icchen, AS. giccan; akin to D. jeuken, joken, G. jucken, OHG. jucchen.] [1913 Webster] 1. To have an uneasy sensation in the skin, which inclines the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • itch — ► NOUN 1) an uncomfortable sensation that causes a desire to scratch the skin. 2) informal an impatient desire. ► VERB 1) be the site of or experience an itch. 2) informal feel an impatient desire to do something. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • itch — index passion Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • itch to — If you are itching to do something, you are very eager to do it …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • Itch — For other uses, see Itch (disambiguation). Pruritus Classification and external resources A man trying to reach for an itch ICD 10 L …   Wikipedia

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