- issuance
- [ʹısjʋəns] n амер.
1) издание; опубликование; выпуск
the issuance of an order - издание приказа
2) выдачаthe issuance of rations - выдача продуктов
3) = issue I
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the issuance of an order - издание приказа
the issuance of rations - выдача продуктов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
issuance — is·su·ance / i shü əns/ n: the act or an instance of issuing the issuance of the injunction was upheld Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. issuance … Law dictionary
issuance — is‧su‧ance [ˈɪʆuəns, ˈɪsjuəns ǁ ˈɪʆuəns] noun [countable, uncountable] FINANCE another name for issue: • He is effectively able to stop the issuance of any export licenses. • Several stock issuances have also been made on the Big Board in the… … Financial and business terms
Issuance — Is su*ance ([i^]sh [ u]*ans), n. The act of issuing, or giving out; as, the issuance of an order; the issuance of rations, and the like. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
issuance — 1863, Amer.Eng., from ISSUE (Cf. issue) + ANCE (Cf. ance) … Etymology dictionary
issuance — ☆ issuance [ish′o͞o əns ] n. an issuing; issue … English World dictionary
issuance — noun The act of issuing, or giving out; as, the issuance of an order; the issuance of rations, and the like … Wiktionary
issuance account — In the ESES context, any account opened in the name of an issuer in the books of the CSD on the debit of which all securities of a same issue which are admitted by the CSD are recorded; in the case of dematerialised securities, all securities of… … Financial and business terms
issuance account — In the ESES context, any account opened in the name of an issuer in the books of the CSD on the debit of which all securities of a same issue which are admitted by the CSD are recorded; in the case of dematerialised securities, all securities of… … Euroclear glossary
issuance of Lithuanian Government securities through auction — Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės vertybinių popierių platinimas aukciono būdu statusas Aprobuotas sritis vertybinių popierių apyvarta apibrėžtis Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės vertybinių popierių (toliau – VVP) platinimo būdas, kai VVP… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
issuance — noun Date: 1863 1. issue 2 2. issue 9a … New Collegiate Dictionary
issuance — /ish ooh euhns/, n. 1. the act of issuing. 2. issue. [1860 65, Amer.; ISSUE + ANCE] * * * … Universalium