isotope scanning

isotope scanning
[ʹaısətəʋpʹskænıŋ] мед.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "isotope scanning" в других словарях:

  • brain scanning — ▪ medicine       any of a number of diagnostic (diagnostic imaging) methods for detecting intracranial abnormalities.       The oldest of the brain scanning procedures still in use is a simple, relatively noninvasive procedure called isotope… …   Universalium

  • Cargo scanning — Intermodal Shipping Containers Cargo scanning or non intrusive inspection (NII) refers to non destructive methods of inspecting and identifying goods in transportation systems. It is often used for scanning of intermodal freight …   Wikipedia

  • Restriction landmark genomic scanning — (or RLGS) is a genome analysis method that allows for rapid simultaneous visualization of thousands of landmarks, or restriction sites. Using a combination of restriction enzymes some of which are specific to DNA modifications, the technique can… …   Wikipedia

  • radioisotope scanning — radionuclide scanning production of a two dimensional record or image representing the gamma rays emitted by a radioactive isotope (radionuclide) concentrated in a specific tissue of the body, such as the brain or thyroid gland …   Medical dictionary

  • diagnostic imaging — or medical imaging Use of electromagnetic radiation to produce images of internal body structures for diagnosis. X rays have been used since 1895. Denser tissues, such as bones, absorb more X rays and show as lighter areas on X ray film. A… …   Universalium

  • nuclear medicine — diagnostic and therapeutic medical techniques using radionuclides or radioisotopes. [1950 55] * * * Medical specialty using radioactive elements or isotopes for diagnosis and treatment of disease. A radioisotope is introduced into the body… …   Universalium

  • nervous system disease — Introduction       any of the diseases or disorders that affect the functioning of the human nervous system (nervous system, human). Everything that humans sense, consider, and effect and all the unlearned reflexes of the body depend on the… …   Universalium

  • radiology — radiologist, n. /ray dee ol euh jee/, n. 1. the science dealing with x rays or nuclear radiation, esp. for medical uses. 2. the examination or photographing of organs, bones, etc., with such rays. 3. the interpretation of medical x ray… …   Universalium

  • Atom — The atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element. An atom has an electron cloud consisting of negatively charged electrons surrounding a dense nucleus. The nucleus contains positively charged… …   Wikipedia

  • Mass spectrometry — (MS) is an analytical technique that measures the mass to charge ratio of charged particles.[1] It is used for determining masses of particles, for determining the elemental composition of a sample or molecule, and for elucidating the chemical… …   Wikipedia

  • Positron emission tomography — (PET) is a nuclear medicine imaging technique which produces a three dimensional image or map of functional processes in the body. The system detects pairs of gamma rays emitted indirectly by a positron emitting radionuclide (tracer), which is… …   Wikipedia

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