- isostasy
- [aıʹsɒstəsı] n геол.
изостазия, равновесие; уравновешивание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Isostasy — (Greek isos = equal , stásis = standstill ) is a term used in Geology to refer to the state of gravitational equilibrium between the earth s lithosphere and asthenosphere such that the tectonic plates float at an elevation which depends on their… … Wikipedia
Isostasy — I*sos ta*sy, n. [See {Iso }; {Stasis}.] The state or quality of being isostatic. Specif. (Geol.), general equilibrium in the earth s crust, supposed to be maintained by the yielding or flow of rock material beneath the surface under gravitative… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
isostasy — 1889, from ISO (Cf. iso ) + Gk. stasis setting, weighing, standing (see STET (Cf. stet)). Related: Isostatic … Etymology dictionary
isostasy — [ī säs′tə sē] n. [< ISO + Gr stasis, a standing still: see STASIS] 1. a condition in which there is equal pressure on every side 2. Geol. approximate equilibrium in large, equal areas of the earth s crust, preserved by the action of gravity… … English World dictionary
isostasy — /uy sos teuh see/, n. 1. Geol. the equilibrium of the earth s crust, a condition in which the forces tending to elevate balance those tending to depress. 2. the state in which pressures from every side are equal. Also, isostacy. [1885 90; ISO +… … Universalium
isostasy — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary is + Greek stasia condition of standing, from histanai to cause to stand more at stand Date: 1889 1. general equilibrium in the earth s crust maintained by a yielding flow of rock material… … New Collegiate Dictionary
isostasy — noun The state of balance of the Earths lithosphere floating on the magma … Wiktionary
isostasy — n. balance between the gravity which tends to depress and the buoyancy which tends to raise a given segment of the earth s crust (Geology) … English contemporary dictionary
isostasy — [ʌɪ sɒstəsi] noun Geology the equilibrium that exists between parts of the earth s crust, which rise if material (such as an ice cap) is removed and sink if material is deposited. Derivatives isostatic adjective Origin C19: from iso + Gk stasis… … English new terms dictionary
isostasy — isos·ta·sy … English syllables
isostasy — i•sos•ta•sy or i•sos•ta•cy [[t]aɪˈsɒs tə si[/t]] n. 1) gel the equilibrium of the earth s crust, a condition in which the forces tending to elevate balance those tending to depress 2) phs the state in which pressures from every side are equal •… … From formal English to slang