- isopathy
- [aıʹsɒpəθı] n мед.
лечебное применение того же возбудителя, которым вызвано заболевание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Isopathy — I*sop a*thy, n. [Iso + Gr. ? suffering.] (Med.) (a) The system which undertakes to cure a disease by means of the virus of the same disease. (b) The theory of curing a diseased organ by eating the analogous organ of a healthy animal. Mayne. (c)… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
isopathy — Med. rare 0. (aɪˈsɒpəθɪ) [f. iso + pathy.] a. The theory that disease may be cured by a product of the disease, as small pox by application of the variolous matter. b. The popular notion that disease in a particular organ may be cured by eating… … Useful english dictionary
isopathy — Treatment of disease by means of the causal agent or a product of the same disease; or treatment of a diseased organ by an extract of a similar organ from a healthy animal. SEE ALSO: homeopathy. [ … Medical dictionary
Homeopathy — Homeopathy: coined in German from Greek hómoios ὅμοιος like + páthos πάθος suffering Oxford English Dictionary … Wikipedia
List of branches of alternative medicine — Branches of alternative medicine provides a master list of the articles included in this alternative medicine (CAM) series of articles. These articles are either about fully developed systems of alternative medicine or they are about generic… … Wikipedia
Faith healing — Faith healer redirects here. For the play by Brian Friel, see Faith Healer. Faith healing is healing through spiritual means. The healing of a person is brought about by religious faith through prayer and/or rituals that, according to adherents,… … Wikipedia
isopathie — [izɔpati] n. f. ÉTYM. 1878; de iso , et pathie (angl. isopathy, 1855). ❖ ♦ Didact. (biol.). Doctrine selon laquelle l organisme atteint de maladie fabrique des substances propres à la combattre. 1 Isopathie (…) Cette doctrine, qui remonte à… … Encyclopédie Universelle
isotherapy — iso·ther·a·py (i″so therґə pe) [iso + therapy] isopathy … Medical dictionary