- isomer
- [ʹaısəmə] n хим., физ.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Isomer — I so*mer ([imac] s[ o]*m[ e]r), n. [See {Isomeric}.] (Chem.) A compound which is isomeric with another body or compound; a compound having the same chemical composition as another compound; a member of an isomeric series. [1913 Webster +PJC] Note … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Isomer — Isomēr (grch.), aus gleichen Teilen bestehend. Isomere Körper, in der Chemie Körper von gleicher prozentischer Zusammensetzung, aber verschiedenen Eigenschaften; die Isomeriē kann sich nur auf äußerliche Eigenschaften beziehen (physik. Isomerie) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
isomer — ISOMÉR, Ă adj., s.m. v. izomer. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
isomer — 1866, back formation from isomeric (1838), patterned on Ger. isometrisch, coined by Berzelius (1830) from Gk. isomeres sharing equality, from iso (see ISO (Cf. iso )) + meros part, share (see MERIT (Cf. merit) (n.)) … Etymology dictionary
isomer — ► NOUN 1) Chemistry each of two or more compounds with the same formula but a different arrangement of atoms and different properties. 2) Physics each of two or more atomic nuclei with the same atomic number and mass number but different energy… … English terms dictionary
isomer — [ī′sə mər] n. [< Gr isomerēs, equally divided < isos, equal + meros, a part: see MERIT] 1. Chem. any of two or more chemical compounds having the same constituent elements in the same proportion by weight but differing in physical or… … English World dictionary
Isomer — This article is about the chemical concept. For isomerism of atomic nuclei, see nuclear isomer. In chemistry, isomers (from Greek ἰσομερής, isomerès; isos = equal , méros = part ) are compounds with the same molecular formula but different… … Wikipedia
Isomer — Isomere (Einzahl das Isomer, Genitiv: des Isomers, Genitiv Plural: der Isomere; von griechisch ἴσος ísos „gleich“ und μέρος méros „Teil“) sind chemische Verbindungen, die die gleiche Summenformel besitzen, sich aber in der Verknüpfung und der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
isomer — noun /ˈaɪ.sə.mə,ˈaɪ.sə.mɚ/ a) Any of two or more compounds with the same molecular formula but with different structure. b) Any of two or more atomic nuclei with the same mass number and atomic number but with different radioactive properties.… … Wiktionary
isomer — /uy seuh meuhr/, n. 1. Chem. a compound displaying isomerism with one or more other compounds. 2. Also called nuclear isomer. Physics. a nuclide that exhibits isomerism with one or more other nuclides. [1865 70; back formation from ISOMERIC] * *… … Universalium
isomer — iso|mer 〈Adj.〉 Isomerie aufweisend [<grch. isos „gleich“ + meros „Teil“] * * * I|so|mer [↑ iso (2) u. ↑ mer], das; s, e, auch I|so|me|re, das; n, n: 1) in der Chemie Sammelbez. haupts. für org. Verb. u. Koordinationsverb., die zwar gleiche… … Universal-Lexikon