- isiac
- 1. [ʹ(a)ısıæk] n
жрец или поклонник Изиды (в Древнем Египте)2. [ʹ(a)ısıæk] aотносящийся к культу Изиды
Isiac table - медная доска с изображением египетских богов (с Изидой посредине)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Isiac table - медная доска с изображением египетских богов (с Изидой посредине)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Isiac — I si*ac, a. [L. Isiacus, Gr. ?, fr. ?.] Pertaining to the goddess Isis; as, Isiac mysteries. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
isiac — ISIÁC, Ă I. adj. referitor la zeiţa Isis, la cultul acesteia. II. s. m. preot al zeiţei Isis. (< fr. isiaque, lat. isiacus, gr. isiakos) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Isiac — /is ee ak , iz , uy see /, adj. of or pertaining to Isis or the worship of Isis. Also, Isiacal /i suy euh keuhl, uy suy /. [1700 10; < L Isiacus < Gk Isiakós. See ISIS, AC] * * * … Universalium
Isiac — adjective /ˈɪsɪæk,ˈaɪsɪæk/ of or pertaining to the goddess Isis or her worship … Wiktionary
isiac — isi·ac … English syllables
isiac — … Useful english dictionary
mystery religion — Any of various secret cults of the Greco Roman world. Derived from primitive tribal ceremonies, mystery religions reached their peak of popularity in Greece in the first three centuries AD. Their members met secretly to share meals and take part… … Universalium
Isis — This article discusses the ancient goddess Isis. For other uses, see Isis (disambiguation). Isis The goddess Isis is portrayed as a woman, wearing a headress shaped like a throne; sometimes she is also shown with bird s wings. Goddess of… … Wikipedia
Bembine Tablet — The Bembine Tablet, the Bembine Table of Isis or the Mensa Isiaca (Isiac Tablet) was an elaborate tablet of bronze with enamel and silver inlay of probable Roman origin and mimicking Egyptian style. It was used by the 17th century hermeticist… … Wikipedia
Aelvrvs — AELVRVS, i, Gr. Αἴλουρος, ου, heißt eigentlich eine Katze. Weil nun die Aegyptier ihrer Göttinn Bubastis, welche nichts anders, als der Mond oder die Diana, war, die Katzen gewiedmet hatten, lablonski Panth. Aegypt. L. III. c. 3. und sie selbst… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Apis — APIS, is, oder ĭdos, Gr. Ἄπις, ιδος. 1 §. Namen. Er war ein lebendiger natürlicher Ochs, und soll von dem ebräischen Abh, Vater, seyn benannt worden. Voss. Theol. gent. L. I. c. 29. Da aber der stärkste Grund solcher Ableitung darauf beruhet, daß … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon