- irrupt
- [ıʹrʌpt] v редк.
1. врываться; вторгаться; совершать набег2. вспыхнуть, разразиться
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
irrupt — index encroach, intrude Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
irrupt — (v.) to break into, 1855, back formation from irruption or else from L. irruptus, pp. of irrumpere (see IRRUPTION (Cf. irruption)) … Etymology dictionary
irrupt — ► VERB ▪ enter forcibly or suddenly. DERIVATIVES irruption noun irruptive adjective. ORIGIN Latin irrumpere break into … English terms dictionary
irrupt — [i rupt′] vi. [< L irruptus, pp. of irrumpere, to break in: see IN 1 & RUPTURE] 1. to burst suddenly or violently (into) 2. Ecol. to increase abruptly in size of population irruption n. irruptive adj … English World dictionary
irrupt — v. (D; intr.) to irrupt in; into (to irrupt in a frenzied demonstration) * * * [ɪ rʌpt] into (to irrupt in a frenzied demonstration) (D; intr.) to irrupt in … Combinatory dictionary
irrupt — [ɪ rʌpt] verb 1》 enter forcibly or suddenly. 2》 (chiefly of a bird) migrate into an area in abnormally large numbers. Derivatives irruption noun irruptive adjective Origin C19 (earlier (C16) as irruption): from L. irrupt , irrumpere break into … English new terms dictionary
irrupt — v.intr. (foll. by into) enter forcibly or violently. Derivatives: irruption n. Etymology: L irrumpere irrupt (as IN (2), rumpere break) … Useful english dictionary
irrupt — intransitive verb Etymology: Latin irruptus, past participle of irrumpere, from in + rumpere to break more at reave Date: 1886 1. to rush in forcibly or violently 2. of a natural population to undergo a sudden upsurge in numbers especially when… … New Collegiate Dictionary
irrupt — /i rupt /, v.i. 1. to break or burst in suddenly. 2. to manifest violent activity or emotion, as a group of persons. 3. (of animals) to increase suddenly in numbers through a lessening of the number of deaths. [1850 55; < L irruptus; see… … Universalium
irrupt — verb a) To break into. b) To enter forcibly or uninvited. See Also: irruption … Wiktionary
irrupt — Synonyms and related words: admit, advance upon, arise, barge in, be admitted, be born, become, belch, bob up, break bounds, break forth, break in, break in upon, break out, breeze in, burst forth, burst in, bust in, butt in, charge in, come… … Moby Thesaurus