- irreligious
- [͵ırıʹlıdʒəs] a
атеистический, неверующий
his irreligious talk - его антирелигиозные высказывания
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
his irreligious talk - его антирелигиозные высказывания
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Irreligious — Студийный альбом Moonspell … Википедия
irreligious — irreligious, unreligious, nonreligious, ungodly, godless mean not religious or not devoted to the ends of religion. Irreligious is not only the most common of the negative forms of religious but the most clearly defined in meaning, for it implies … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Irreligious — Ir re*li gious, a. [L. irreligiosus: cf. F. irr[ e]ligieux.] [1913 Webster] 1. Destitute of religion; not controlled by religious motives or principles; ungodly. Cf. {Impious}. [1913 Webster] Shame and reproach are generally the portion of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Irreligious — Álbum de Moonspell Publicación 29 de julio de 1996 Grabación Century Media Género(s) Metal gótico Doom metal Duración 42:40 m … Wikipedia Español
irreligious — (adj.) c.1400, from L.L. irreligiosus irreligious, impious, from assimilated form of in not, opposite of (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + religiosus (see RELIGIOUS (Cf. religious)). Related: Irreligiously … Etymology dictionary
Irreligious — est le deuxième album du groupe Moonspell sorti en 1996. Liste des chansons Perverse...Almost Religious 1:07 Opium 2:50 Awake 3:06 For A Taste Of Eternity 3:52 Ruin Misery 3:48 A Poisoned Gift 5:35 Subversion 2:44 Ravens Claws 3:16 Mephisto 4:58… … Wikipédia en Français
irreligious — index diabolic, mundane, profane Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
irreligious — [adj] ungodly agnostic, atheistic, blasphemous, faithless, free thinking, godless, heathen, iconoclastic, impious, irreverent, pagan, sacrilegious, sinful, unbelieving, undevout, unholy; concept 545 … New thesaurus
irreligious — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ indifferent or hostile to religion. DERIVATIVES irreligion noun … English terms dictionary
irreligious — [ir΄i lij′əs] adj. [L irreligiosus] 1. not religious; adhering to no particular religious belief 2. indifferent or hostile to religion 3. not in accord with religious principles; profane; impious irreligion [ir΄ri lij′ən, ir΄i lij′ən] n.… … English World dictionary
irreligious — [[t]ɪ̱rɪlɪ̱ʤəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED An irreligious person does not accept the beliefs of any religion or opposes all religions. ...irreligious communists. Syn: atheistic … English dictionary