
[͵ırıʹdi:məb(ə)l] a
1. эк.
1) не подлежащий выкупу или погашению
2) неконвертируемый (о бумажных деньгах)
2. безнадёжный; безысходный; непоправимый

irredeemable woe - безутешное /безысходное/ горе

irredeemable mistakes - непоправимые ошибки

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "irredeemable" в других словарях:

  • Irredeemable — #1 (April 2009). Cover art by John Cassaday and colors by Laura Martin. Publication information …   Wikipedia

  • irredeemable — ir‧re‧deem‧a‧ble [ˌɪrɪˈdiːməbl◂] adjective FINANCE an irredeemable bond pays interest but has no maturity date (= date at which the borrower will repay the lender): • There are nine British government stocks outstanding which have no final… …   Financial and business terms

  • Irredeemable — Ir re*deem a*ble, a. Not redeemable; that can not be redeemed; not payable in gold or silver, as a bond; used especially of such government notes, issued as currency, as are not convertible into coin at the pleasure of the holder. {Ir re*deem… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • irredeemable — I adjective beyond remedy, consumed, cureless, dissipated, expended, finished, gone, gone to waste, hopeless, immitigable, incapable of being bought back, inconvertible, incorrigible, incurable, irreclaimable, irrecoverable, irreformable,… …   Law dictionary

  • irredeemable — (adj.) c.1600, from assimilated form of IN (Cf. in ) (1) not, opposite of + REDEEMABLE (Cf. redeemable). Related: Irredeemably …   Etymology dictionary

  • irredeemable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not able to be saved, improved, or corrected. DERIVATIVES irredeemably adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • irredeemable — [ir΄i dēm′ə bəl] adj. [see IN 2 & REDEEMABLE] 1. that cannot be bought back ☆ 2. that cannot be converted into coin, as certain kinds of paper money 3. that cannot be changed; hopeless 4. that cannot be reformed irredeemably …   English World dictionary

  • irredeemable — ir|re|deem|a|ble [ ,ırı diməbl ] adjective 1. ) FORMAL impossible to change or make better: irredeemable sinners 2. ) BUSINESS an irredeemable DEBT can never be paid a ) irredeemable STOCK cannot be exchanged for money ╾ ir|re|deem|a|bly adverb …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • irredeemable — UK [ˌɪrɪˈdiːməb(ə)l] / US [ˌɪrɪˈdɪməb(ə)l] adjective 1) formal impossible to change or make better irredeemable sinners 2) a) business an irredeemable debt can never be paid b) irredeemable stock cannot be sold in return for money Derived word:… …   English dictionary

  • irredeemable — adjective Date: 1609 1. not redeemable: as a. not terminable by payment of the principal < irredeemable bond > b. inconvertible a 2. being beyond remedy ; hopeless < irredeemable mistakes > • irredeemably adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • irredeemable — adjective a) Not redeemable; unredeemable; not able to be restored, recovered, revoked, or escaped. It wavered an instant then there was a heartrending crash and the canary coloured cart, their pride and their joy, lay on its side in the ditch,… …   Wiktionary

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