
1. [ʹaı(ə)rıʃ] n
1. 1) (the Irish) собир. ирландцы, ирландский народ
2) шотл. ирландец
2. ирландский язык
3. pl ирландская национальная продукция (кружева, полотно, виски и т. п.)

to arouse smb.'s Irish, to get smb.'s Irish up - рассердить, разозлить кого-л.

2. [ʹaı(ə)rıʃ] a

Irish daisy - одуванчик

Irish stew - тушёная баранина с луком и картофелем

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Нужно сделать НИР?

Смотреть что такое "irish" в других словарях:

  • Irish — may refer to: * Ireland, an island in northwest Europe consisting of: ** Ireland, known as the Irish Free State up until 1937, then the Republic of Ireland, a sovereign state covering 5/6 of the island. ** Northern Ireland, a semi autonomous… …   Wikipedia

  • Irish — boat (cutter rigged fishing vessel), Irish ford (paved ford), Irish coffee (spiked with Irish whiskey and topped with whipped cream), Irish moss (edible seaweed also called carrageen), Irish pennant (unwhipped rope end flying in the breeze),… …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • IRISH (W.) — IRISH CORNELL GEORGE HOPLEY WOOLRICH dit WILLIAM (1903 1968) Surnommé l’Edgar Poe du XXe siècle, considéré comme un maître du mystère, William Irish est né le 4 décembre 1903 à New York. Après le divorce de ses parents, il passe une adolescence… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • irish — irish; irish·er; irish·ism; irish·ize; irish·ly; irish·man; irish·ness; irish·ry; Irish; …   English syllables

  • Irish — I rish, a. [AS. [imac]risc, fr. [imac]ras the Irish. Cf. {Aryan}, {Erse}.] Of or pertaining to Ireland or to its inhabitants; produced in Ireland. [1913 Webster] {Irish elk}. (Zo[ o]l.) See under {Elk}. {Irish moss}. (a) (Bot.) Carrageen. (b) A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Irish — c.1200, Irisce, from stem of O.E. Iras inhabitant of Ireland, from O.N. irar, ultimately from O.Ir. Eriu (acc. Eirinn, Erinn) Erin, which is from O.Celt. *Iveriu (acc. *Iverionem, ablative *Iverione), perhaps from PIE *pi wer fertile, lit. fat,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Irish — or get one s Irish up [ī′rish] adj. [ME < OE Īrisc < Īras, the Irish < OIr Eriu, Ireland > EIRE] of Ireland or its people, language, or culture n. 1. the Celtic language spoken in Ireland 2. the English dialect spoken in Ireland 3.… …   English World dictionary

  • Irish — I*rish , n. sing. & pl. 1. pl. The natives or inhabitants of Ireland, esp. the Celtic natives or their descendants. [1913 Webster] 2. The language of the Irish; also called {Irish Gaelic} or the {Hiberno Celtic}. [1913 Webster +PJC] 3. An old… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Irish — ► NOUN (also Irish Gaelic) ▪ the Celtic language of Ireland. ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to Ireland or Irish. 2) offensive illogical or apparently so. DERIVATIVES Irishman noun Irishness noun Irishwoman …   English terms dictionary

  • Irish — Irishly, adv. /uy rish/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Ireland, its inhabitants, or their language. n. 2. the inhabitants of Ireland and their descendants elsewhere. 3. the aboriginal Celtic speaking people of Ireland. 4. Also… …   Universalium

  • Irish — Musique irlandaise La musique irlandaise s est développée sur toute l île d Irlande depuis l Antiquité, parfois influencée par le contexte politique ou religieux de l époque. Suite à l émigration massive des Irlandais au XIXe siècle, elle s… …   Wikipédia en Français

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