application engineer

application engineer

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "application engineer" в других словарях:

  • field application engineer — engineer that works at a work site performing practical engineering tasks (as opposed to theoretical), FAE …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Engineer — For other uses, see Engineer (disambiguation). Engineer Conference of Engineers at the Menai Straits Preparatory to Floating one of the T …   Wikipedia

  • Engineer's degree — An engineer s degree is a graduate academic degree intermediate in rank between a master s degree and a doctoral degree in the United States. In Europe, it can be an approximately five year degree roughly equivalent to a master s degree. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Application of railway signals — Semaphore stop signals protecting the convergence of two tracks into one The application of railway signals on a rail layout is determined by various factors, principally the location of points of potential conflict, as well as the speed and… …   Wikipedia

  • Application-specific integrated circuit — An application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is an integrated circuit (IC) customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general purpose use. For example, a chip designed solely to run a cell phone is an ASIC.In contrast, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Railroad engineer — A railroad engineer, railway engineer, locomotive engineer, train operator, train driver or engine driver is a person who operates a railroad locomotive and train. The engineer is the person in charge of and responsible for the locomotive(s). He… …   Wikipedia

  • Software engineer — A software engineer is an engineer who applies the principles of software engineering to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the software and systems that make computers or anything containing software, such as computer chips,… …   Wikipedia

  • European Engineer — (Eur Ing) is an international professional qualification for engineers used in many European countries. The title is granted after successful application to a national member of European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI)… …   Wikipedia

  • Henry Bell (engineer) — Henry Bell (b. April 7 1767 d. March 14 1830) was a Scottish engineer who is famed for introducing the first successful passenger steamboat service in Europe.Early careerBell was born at Torphichen, Linlithgowshire and pioneered the development… …   Wikipedia

  • Professional Traffic Operations Engineer — A Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) is a certification sponsored by the Transportation Professional Certification Board, Inc., and promulgated by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Prior to taking the required exam, an… …   Wikipedia

  • Professional Engineer — (P.E.) is the term for registered or licensed engineers in some countries who are permitted to offer their professional services directly to the public. The term Professional Engineer and the actual practice of professional engineering is legally …   Wikipedia

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