
[ınʹvɒlv] v
1. 1) включать, содержать
2) подразумевать, предполагать
2. влечь за собой, вызывать (последствия); приводить (к чему-л.)

holidays involve expense - праздники связаны с затратами

it involves trouble - это чревато неприятностями

3. вовлекать, втягивать, впутывать, вмешивать

to involve a nation in war - вовлечь страну в войну

to involve smb. in debt - заставить кого-л. влезть в долги

to involve smb. in a crime - вовлечь /втянуть/ кого-л. в преступление

to involve a question in difficulty - запутывать /осложнять/ вопрос

4. затрагивать

to involve smb.'s rights - затрагивать чьи-л. права

we all are involved, whether we like it or not - это касается нас всех, нравится нам это или нет

5. привлекать к участию

workmen involved in building a house - рабочие, занятые на строительстве дома

6. 1) углубляться, погружаться (во что-л.); быть занятым, увлечённым (чем-л.)

she was involved in working out a puzzle - она была погружена в решение головоломки

2) увлекаться (кем-л.)

she became involved with a married man - она увлеклась женатым человеком

7. окутывать; покрывать; обволакивать

clouds involved the mountain-top - тучи заволокли вершину горы

the outcome of the matter is involved in doubt - исход дела неизвестен, неизвестно, чем кончится дело

8. арх. свёртывать спиралью; обвивать
9. мат. возводить в степень

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Смотреть что такое "involve" в других словарях:

  • involve — I (implicate) verb accuse, ally, associate, blame, brand, bring accusation, bring charges, cast a slur on, charge, connect, consociate, continere, criminate, delate, denounce, draw in, entangle, incriminate, inculpate, interconnect, interrelate,… …   Law dictionary

  • Involve — In*volve , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Involved}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Involving}.] [L. involvere, involutum, to roll about, wrap up; pref. in in + volvere to roll: cf. OF. involver. See {Voluble}, and cf. {Involute}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To roll or fold up;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Involve — may refer to the following organisations: * Involve (UK Think Tank)* INVOLVE (UK National Advisory group)* Involve Records (New Zealand record company)* Involve, a Journal of Mathematics * Involve (Swedish IT company) …   Wikipedia

  • involve — 1 *entangle, enmesh Analogous words: complicate (see complicated under COMPLEX): confuse, confound, *mistake: perplex, mystify, nonplus, *puzzle 2 comprehend, embrace, *include, imply, subsume Analogous words: import, *mean, sign …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • involve — 1. This heavily used word has extended its meaning from the notion of envelopment or entanglement (it is derived from the Latin word involvere meaning ‘to enwrap’) to less precise forms of connection, as in What does the work involve? and No… …   Modern English usage

  • involve — (v.) late 14c., envelop, surround, from L. involvere envelop, surround, overwhelm, lit. roll into, from in in (see IN (Cf. in ) (2)) + volvere to roll (see VULVA (Cf. vulva)). Originally envelop, surround, sense of take in, include first …   Etymology dictionary

  • involve — [v] draw in; include absorb, affect, argue, associate, bind, catch, commit, complicate, comprehend, comprise, compromise, concern, connect, contain, cover, denote, embrace, embroil, engage, engross, enmesh, entail, entangle, grip, hold, hook,… …   New thesaurus

  • involve — ► VERB 1) (of a situation or event) include as a necessary part or result. 2) cause to experience or participate in an activity or situation. DERIVATIVES involvement noun. ORIGIN originally in the senses «enfold» and «entangle»: from Latin… …   English terms dictionary

  • involve — [in välv′, invôlv′] vt. involved, involving [ME involven < L involvere < in , in + volvere, to roll: see WALK] 1. Archaic to enfold or envelop as in a wrapping [fog involved the shoreline] 2. Obs. to wind spirally; coil up 3. to make… …   English World dictionary

  • involve */*/*/ — UK [ɪnˈvɒlv] / US [ɪnˈvɑlv] verb [transitive] Word forms involve : present tense I/you/we/they involve he/she/it involves present participle involving past tense involved past participle involved 1) to include something as a necessary part of an… …   English dictionary

  • involve — verb (T) 1 to include something as a necessary part or result: What will the job involve? | I didn t realize putting on a play involved so much work. | involve doing sth: Every day each of us makes decisions that involve taking a chance. 2 to… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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