
[ınʹtru:d] v
1. 1) вторгаться; бесцеремонно вмешиваться

to intrude upon smb.'s hospitality - злоупотреблять чьим-л. гостеприимством

to intrude upon smb.'s leisure [smb.'s privacy] - нарушать чей-л. покой [вторгаться в чью-л. личную жизнь]

to intrude upon smb.'s time - посягать на чьё-л. время

I hope I am not intruding - я надеюсь, что не помешаю вам

2) проникать куда-л. (особ. с целью воровства); явиться без приглашения; входить без разрешения
2. 1) навязывать; обременять (кого-л. чем-л.)

to intrude oneself [one's views, one's opinions] upon smb. - навязывать себя [свои взгляды, свои мнения] кому-л.

to intrude oneself into smb.'s company - навязать кому-л. своё общество

to intrude one's presence - навязать (кому-л.) своё присутствие

2) навязываться, быть назойливым

I don't wish to intrude upon you - мне не хотелось бы быть навязчивым /быть назойливым/

3. 1) внедрять (что-л.)
2) геол. внедряться; интрудировать

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Смотреть что такое "intrude" в других словарях:

  • Intrude — In*trude , v. i. [L. intrudere, intrusum; pref. in in + trudere to thrust, akin to E. threat. See {Threat}.] To thrust one s self in; to come or go in without invitation, permission, or welcome; to encroach; to trespass; as, to intrude on… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Intrude — In*trude , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Intruded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Intruding}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To thrust or force (something) in or upon; especially, to force (one s self) in without leave or welcome; as, to intrude one s presence into a conference;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • intrude — [in tro͞od′] vt. intruded, intruding [L intrudere < in , in + trudere, to thrust, push: see THREAT] 1. to push or force (something in or upon) 2. to force (oneself or one s thoughts) upon others without being asked or welcomed 3. Geol. to… …   English World dictionary

  • intrude — in·trude /in trüd/ vb in·trud·ed, in·trud·ing vi 1: to enter by intrusion 2: encroach a search that intrude s on a person s privacy vt …   Law dictionary

  • intrude — intrude, obtrude, interlope, butt in are comparable when meaning to thrust oneself or something in without invitation or authorization. Intrude both transitively and intransitively carries a strong implication of forcing someone or something in… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • intrude — (v.) early 15c., back formation from intrusion, or else from L. intrudere to thrust in (see INTRUSION (Cf. intrusion)). Related: Intruded; intruding …   Etymology dictionary

  • intrude — [v] trespass, interrupt barge in, bother, butt in*, chisel in*, cut in, disturb, encroach, entrench, go beyond, hold up, horn in*, infringe, insinuate, intercalate, interfere, interject, interlope, intermeddle, interpolate, interpose, introduce,… …   New thesaurus

  • intrude — ► VERB 1) come into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited. 2) introduce into or enter with adverse effect. 3) Geology (of igneous rock) be forced or thrust into (a pre existing formation). ORIGIN Latin intrudere, from trudere… …   English terms dictionary

  • intrude — UK [ɪnˈtruːd] / US [ɪnˈtrud] verb [intransitive] Word forms intrude : present tense I/you/we/they intrude he/she/it intrudes present participle intruding past tense intruded past participle intruded 1) to become involved in a situation in a way… …   English dictionary

  • intrude — v. 1) (D; intr.) to intrude into 2) (D; intr.) to intrude on, upon (to intrude on smb. s privacy) * * * [ɪn truːd] upon (to intrude on smb. s privacy) (D; intr.) to intrude into (D; intr.) toon …   Combinatory dictionary

  • intrude — in|trude [ınˈtru:d] v [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: intrudere, from trudere [i] to push ] 1.) to interrupt someone or become involved in their private affairs in an annoying and unwanted way ▪ Would I be intruding if I came with you? intrude …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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