- intraspecific
- [͵ıntrəspəʹsıfık] a биол.
intraspecific variation - внутривидовая изменчивость
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
intraspecific variation - внутривидовая изменчивость
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
intraspecific — intraspecífic adj. m. (sil. mf. spe ) specific Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic INTRASPECÍFIC, Ă adj. (biol.) Care are loc în interiorul aceleiaşi specii. [< fr. intraspécifique]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 09.05.2005.… … Dicționar Român
intraspecific — [in΄trəspə sif′ik] adj. within a single species * * * in·tra·spe·cif·ic (ĭn trə spĭ sĭfʹĭk) also in·tra·spe·cies ( spēʹshēz, sēz) adj. Arising or occurring within a species: intraspecific competition. * * * … Universalium
intraspecific — [in΄trəspə sif′ik] adj. within a single species … English World dictionary
intraspecific — in·tra·spe·cif·ic spi sif ik adj occurring within a species or involving members of one species <intraspecific variation> <intraspecific competition> in·tra·spe·cif·i·cal·ly i k(ə )lē adv … Medical dictionary
intraspecific — Within a species, such as an intraspecific cross, or intraspecific variation … Glossary of Biotechnology
intraspecific — adjective Date: 1919 occurring within a species or involving members of one species < intraspecific competition > … New Collegiate Dictionary
intraspecific — adjective arising or occurring within a species; involving the members of one species intraspecific competition • Syn: ↑intraspecies • Ant: ↑interspecies (for: ↑intraspecies) … Useful english dictionary
Intraspecific breeding — is the act of breeding two varieties within the same species.The breeding of intraspecific organisms produce hybrids that often show hybrid vigour (heterosis), growing more vigorously and yielding more than in bred lines. Intraspecific offspring… … Wikipedia
Intraspecific competition — is a particular form of competition in which members of the same species vie for the same resource in an ecosystem (e.g. food, light, nutrients, space). This can be contrasted with Interspecific competition, in which different species compete.For … Wikipedia
Intraspecific antagonism — means a disharmonious or antagonistic interaction between two individuals of the same species. As such, it could be a sociological term, but was actually coined by Alan Rayner and Norman Todd working at Exeter University in the late 1970s, to… … Wikipedia
intraspecific genetic diversity — genetinė įvairovė statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Genetinis kintamumas rūšies viduje. atitikmenys: angl. intraspecific genetic diversity rus. генетическая изменчивость … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas