- apperception
- [͵æpɜ:ʹsepʃ(ə)n] n психол., филос.
1. апперцепция; сознательное восприятие2. самосознание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Apperception — (Latin ad + percipere , to perceive) has the following meanings:* In epistemology, it is the introspective or reflective apprehension by the mind of its own inner states (Ledger Wood in Runes ).* In psychology, it is the process by which new… … Wikipedia
Apperception — Ap per*cep tion, n. [Pref. ad + perception: cf. F. apperception.] (Metaph.) The mind s perception of itself as the subject or actor in its own states; perception that reflects upon itself; sometimes, intensified or energetic perception. Leibnitz … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apperception — Apperception, Wahrnehmung, bewußte Auffassung einer Anschauung … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
apperception — I noun acumen, appreciation, astuteness, awareness, cognition, cognizance, conception, discernment, foresight, insight, intellect, judgment, knowledge, mentality, penetration, perception, perspicacity, psyche, realization, reason, reasoning power … Law dictionary
apperception — (n.) 1753, from Fr. aperception (17c.), from Ger. Apperzeption (or L. apperceptionem), coined by German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 1716) as noun corresponding to Fr. apercevoir perceive, notice, become aware of… … Etymology dictionary
apperception — assimilation, identification, *recognition … New Dictionary of Synonyms
apperception — [ap΄ərsep′shən] n. [Fr aperception < apercevoir, APPERCEIVE] 1. the act or process of apperceiving 2. the state or fact of the mind in being conscious of its own consciousness apperceptive adj … English World dictionary
apperception — Term introduced by Leibniz for the mind s reflective apprehension of its own inner states. Kant distinguishes empirical apperception, which is consciousness of the ordinary, changing self, and transcendental apperception. This is the unchangeable … Philosophy dictionary
apperception — apperceptive, adj. apperceptively, adv. /ap euhr sep sheuhn/, n. Psychol. 1. conscious perception. 2. the act or process of apperceiving. [1745 55; ( < F) < NL (Leibnitz) apperception , s. of apperceptio. See AP 1, PERCEPTION] * * * … Universalium
apperception — noun /apəˈsɛpʃən/ a) The minds perception of itself as the subject or actor in its own states, unifying past and present experiences; self consciousness, perception that reflects upon itself. For as she smiled I was gifted a glimpse past the… … Wiktionary
apperception — apercepcija statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Naujų dalykų įtraukimas į senuosius sąmonės darinius, psichologinis naujos mokomosios medžiagos suvokimo, įsisąmoninimo pagrindas. Yra pastovioji ir laikinoji apercepcija. kilmė lot … Sporto terminų žodynas