
1. [ınʹtɜ:nl] n
1. pl анат. внутренние органы
2. pl свойства, качества
2. [ınʹtɜ:nl] a
1. 1) внутренний

internal parts of a body - внутренние органы

internal parts of the earth - недра земли

internal medicine - терапия, внутренние болезни

internal remedy - внутреннее (лекарство)

internal waters - внутренние воды

internal jurisdiction - внутренняя юрисдикция

internal war - междоусобная война

internal aerial - радио комнатная антенна

internal evidence - юр. доказательство, лежащее в самом документе

internal revenue - эк. государственные доходы, внутренние бюджетные поступления (за счёт различных налогов)

internal combustion engine - двигатель внутреннего сгорания

internal water - геол. глубинная вода

internal wiring - эл. скрытая проводка

2) душевный, сокровенный

internal thoughts - сокровенные мысли

internal resentment - внутреннее возмущение

2. занимающийся в университетском колледже

internal student - студент того университета, где он предполагает получить степень

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "internal" в других словарях:

  • internal — in‧ter‧nal [ɪnˈtɜːnl ǁ ɜːr ] adjective 1. within a company or organization, rather than outside it: • The bank is holding an internal inquiry into the incident. • an internal audit • We have decided to make an internal appointment (= give a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Internal — In*tern al, a. [L. internus; akin to interior. See {Interior}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Inward; interior; being within any limit or surface; inclosed; opposed to {external}; as, the internal parts of a body, or of the earth. [1913 Webster] 2. Derived… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • internal — [in tʉr′nəl] adj. [ML internalis < L internus, inward, internal, akin to inter: see INTER ] 1. of or having to do with the inside; inner 2. to be taken inside the body [internal remedies] 3. having to do with the inner nature of a thing;… …   English World dictionary

  • internal — I adjective absorbed, domestic, domesticus, enclosed, implanted, infixed, ingrained, inmost, innate, inner, innermost, inside, interior, intestmus, private, under the surface, within boundary lines associated concepts: internal affairs, internal… …   Law dictionary

  • internal — (adj.) early 15c., from M.L. internalis, from L. internus within, from inter between (see INTER (Cf. inter )). Meaning of or pertaining to the domestic affairs of a country (e.g. internal revenue) is from 1795. Internal combustion first recorded… …   Etymology dictionary

  • internal — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of or situated on the inside. 2) inside the body. 3) relating to affairs and activities within a country. 4) existing or used within an organization. 5) in or of one s mind or soul. ► NOUN (internals) …   English terms dictionary

  • internal os — n the opening of the cervix into the body of the uterus …   Medical dictionary

  • internal — interior, intestine, *inner, inward, inside Analogous words: intrinsic, constitutional, *inherent, essential Antonyms: external Contrasted words: exterior, *outer, outward, outside: extraneous, *extrinsic, foreign, alien …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • internal — [adj] within centralized, circumscribed, civic, constitutional, domestic, enclosed, gut, home, indigenous, inherent, in house, innate, inner, innermore, inside, interior, intestine, intimate, intramural, intrinsic, inward, municipal, national,… …   New thesaurus

  • internal — 01. Please don t interfere; this is an [internal] matter only. 02. This medicine can be taken [internally] or simply rubbed on the skin. 03. The police are taking action to strengthen [internal] security after the attempted attack on the… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • internal — internality, internalness, n. internally, adv. /in terr nl/, adj. 1. situated or existing in the interior of something; interior. 2. of, pertaining to, or noting the inside or inner part. 3. Pharm. oral (def. 4). 4. existing, occurring, or found… …   Universalium

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