- intergrade
- 1. [ʹıntəgreıd] n бот., зоол.
промежуточная или переходная форма2. [͵ıntəʹgreıd] v бот., зоол.эволюционировать, приобретать признаки другого вида
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
intergrade — [in΄tər grād′; ] for n. [ in′tər grād΄] vi. intergraded, intergrading to pass into another form or kind by a series of intermediate grades n. an intermediate grade; transitional form intergradation [in΄tərgrā dā′shən, in΄tərgrədā′shən] n … English World dictionary
intergrade — I. intransitive verb Date: 1874 to merge gradually one with another through a continuous series of intermediate forms II. noun Date: 1888 an intermediate form … New Collegiate Dictionary
intergrade — the progeny of interbreeding of two or more subspecies of the same species … Dictionary of ichthyology
intergrade — n. /in teuhr grayd /; v. /in teuhr grayd /, n., v., intergraded, intergrading. n. 1. an intermediate grade, form, stage, etc. v.i. 2. to merge gradually, one into another, as different species through evolution. [1870 75; INTER + GRADE] * * * … Universalium
intergrade — verb To pass or change from one state to another by steps or stages … Wiktionary
intergrade — n. intermediate stage, intermediate form … English contemporary dictionary
intergrade — verb Biology pass into another form by a series of intervening forms. Derivatives intergradation noun … English new terms dictionary
intergrade — To merge into each other in a series of stages, forms, or types, e.g. in a hybrid zone … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
intergrade — in·ter·grade … English syllables
intergrade — in•ter•grade n. [[t]ˈɪn tərˌgreɪd[/t]] v. [[t]ˌɪn tərˈgreɪd[/t]] n. v. grad•ed, grad•ing 1) an intermediate grade, form, stage, etc 2) bio to merge gradually one into another through a series of intermediate stages or grades, as different species … From formal English to slang
intergrade — noun /ˈɪntəgreɪd/ (say intuhgrayd) 1. an intermediate grade. –verb (i) /ɪntəˈgreɪd/ (say intuh grayd) (intergraded, intergrading) 2. to pass gradually, one into another, as different species. –intergradation /ɪntəgrəˈdeɪʃən/ (say intuhgruh… …