- interdependent
- [͵ıntədıʹpendənt] a
взаимозависимые; зависящие друг от друга
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
interdependent — UK US /ˌɪntədɪˈpendənt/ adjective ► if two or more things are interdependent, they depend on each other: »Modern economies are increasingly interdependent. »Cooperation and consensus between countries is becoming more important in an… … Financial and business terms
interdependent — INTERDEPENDÉNT, Ă, interdependenţi, te, adj. Care este (strâns) legat sau condiţionat de alt lucru, fenomen sau proces cu care se află în dependenţă reciprocă. – Din fr. interdépendant. Trimis de valeriu, 21.07.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 … … Dicționar Român
Interdependent — In ter*de*pend ent, a. Mutually dependent. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
interdependent — index cognate, conjoint, correlative, inseparable, mutual (collective), reciprocal, related B … Law dictionary
interdependent — 1817, from INTER (Cf. inter ) + DEPENDENT (Cf. dependent). Related: Interdependently … Etymology dictionary
interdependent — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ dependent on each other. DERIVATIVES interdependence noun interdependency noun … English terms dictionary
interdependent — in|ter|de|pend|ent [ ,ıntərdı pendənt ] adjective things that are interdependent are related to one another in such a close way that each one needs the others in order to exist: an increasingly interdependent global economy ╾ in|ter|de|pend|ence… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
interdependent — [[t]ɪ̱ntə(r)dɪpe̱nd(ə)nt[/t]] ADJ GRADED People or things that are interdependent all depend on each other. We live in an increasingly interdependent world … English dictionary
interdependent — UK [ˌɪntə(r)dɪˈpendənt] / US [ˌɪntərdɪˈpendənt] adjective things that are interdependent are related to one another in such a close way that each one needs the others in order to exist an increasingly interdependent global economy Derived word:… … English dictionary
Interdependent — Interdependenz bedeutet gegenseitige oder wechselseitige Abhängigkeit bzw. Dependenz. Als Abhängigkeit zwischen Personen spielt er eine besondere Rolle bei der Betrachtung von Beziehungen und Interaktionen in der Sozialpsychologie und in der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
interdependent — in|ter|de|pen|dent [ˌıntədıˈpendənt US tər ] adj depending on or necessary to each other ▪ countries with interdependent economies >interdependently adv … Dictionary of contemporary English