- intercollegiate
- [͵ıntəkəʹli:dʒıt] a
intercollegiate games - межуниверситетские игры
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
intercollegiate games - межуниверситетские игры
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Intercollegiate — In ter*col*le gi*ate, a. Existing or carried on between colleges or universities; as, intercollegiate relations, rivalry, games, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
intercollegiate — [in΄tər kə lē′jit] adj. between or among colleges and universities … English World dictionary
intercollegiate — in|ter|col|le|giate [ˌıntəkəˈli:dʒıt US tər ] adj [only before noun] intercollegiate competitions, especially sports competitions, happen between teams from different colleges intercollegiate athletics/sports etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
intercollegiate — [[t]ɪ̱ntə(r)kəli͟ːʤət[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Intercollegiate means involving or related to more than one college or university. [AM] ...the first intercollegiate gymnastics team championship. Ant: intramural … English dictionary
intercollegiate — adjective intercollegiate competitions are between members of different colleges: an intercollegiate football game … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
intercollegiate — adjective Date: circa 1874 existing, carried on, or participating in activities between colleges < intercollegiate athletics > … New Collegiate Dictionary
intercollegiate — /in teuhr keuh lee jit, jee it/, adj. 1. taking place between or participating in activities between different colleges: intercollegiate athletics. 2. of, pertaining to, or representative of two or more colleges. [1870 75; INTER + COLLEGIATE] * * … Universalium
intercollegiate — adj. Intercollegiate is used with these nouns: ↑athletics, ↑sport … Collocations dictionary
intercollegiate — in|ter|col|le|giate [ ,ıntərkə lidʒət ] adjective usually before noun involving students or teams from different colleges: intercollegiate sports … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
intercollegiate — UK [ˌɪntə(r)kəˈliːdʒət] / US [ˌɪntərkəˈlɪdʒət] adjective [usually before noun] mainly American involving students or teams from different colleges intercollegiate sports … English dictionary
Intercollegiate Taiwanese American Students Association — (ITASA) (traditional Chinese:美國台裔學生協會) was established by a group of students in the East Coast and Midwest in the United States who wanted to see the Taiwanese American college community grow. ITASA is a national organization staffed by students … Wikipedia