- apparitor
- [əʹpærıtə] n
1. ист. один из помощников судьи (в Древнем Риме)2. судебный исполнитель церковного суда (ранее тж. гражданского суда)3. арх. глашатай, герольд, вестник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Apparitor — • The official name given to an officer in ecclesiastical courts designated to serve the summons, to arrest a person accused, and, in ecclesiastico civil procedure, to take possession, physically or formally, of the property in dispute Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia
Apparitor — (also spelled apparator or shortened to paritor), (Latin for a servant of a public official , from apparere , to attend in public ) was an attendant who executed the orders of a Roman magistrate. The term has hence referred to a beadle in a… … Wikipedia
Apparitor — Ap*par i*tor, n. [L., fr. apparere. See {Appear}.] 1. Formerly, an officer who attended magistrates and judges to execute their orders. [1913 Webster] Before any of his apparitors could execute the sentence, he was himself summoned away by a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apparĭtor — Apparĭtor, bei den Römern Bezeichnung für die vom Staat besoldeten Unterbeamten der Magistrate, wie Liktoren, Kanzlisten (scribae) u.a … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
apparitor — [ə per′ə tər, əpar′ə tər; ə per′ətôr΄, ə par′ətôr΄] n. [L < apparere, APPEAR] an officer formerly sent out to carry out the orders of a civil or ecclesiastical court … English World dictionary
apparitor — Beadle Bea dle, n. [OE. bedel, bidel, budel, OF. bedel, F. bedeau, fr. OHG. butil, putil, G. b[ u]ttel, fr. OHG. biotan, G. bieten, to bid, confused with AS. bydel, the same word as OHG. butil. See. {Bid}, v.] 1. A messenger or crier of a court;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
apparitor — /euh par i teuhr/, n. (in ancient Rome) a subordinate official of a magistrate or of the court. [1250 1300; ME apparitour < L apparitor, equiv. to appari (var. s. of apparere to serve, attend, lit., to be seen; see APPEAR) + tor TOR] * * * … Universalium
Apparitor — [apparator]. The servant or officer of a court, ecclesiastical or civil, with the duty of summoning attendance; later an usher or *herald. The Latin word was taken and used in English without change. [< Lat. apparitor = a civil, public,… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Apparitor — Ap|pa|ri|tor der; s, ...oren <aus gleichbed. lat. apparitor> altröm. Amts , Gerichts , Stadtdiener, Diener der röm. Beamten od. Priester … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
apparitor — ap•par•i•tor [[t]əˈpær ɪ tər[/t]] n. anq (in ancient Rome) a subordinate official of a magistrate or court • Etymology: 1250–1300; ME < L appāritor … From formal English to slang
apparitor — noun Etymology: Latin, from apparēre Date: 15th century an official formerly sent to carry out the orders of a magistrate, judge, or court … New Collegiate Dictionary