
[ınʹtend] v
1. намереваться; хотеть, собираться, иметь в виду, предполагать (что-л. сделать)

what do you intend to do /doing/? - что вы собираетесь /намерены/ делать?

we intend them to do it, we intend that they should do it - мы хотим, чтобы они это сделали

was this intended? - это было сделано преднамеренно?

it was so intended by me - я так и рассчитывал /намеревался/ сделать; так было мною задумано

2. (for) предназначать (для кого-л. или для какой-л. цели)

the book is intended for you - книга предназначается вам

this remark is intended for you - а) это замечание адресовано вам; б) это замечание по вашему адресу

he is intended for the medical profession - из него готовят врача

3. подразумевать, иметь в виду

I intended no harm to you - я не хотел причинить вам зла

what do you intend by your words? - что означают ваши слова?

4. редк. направлять, руководить
5. арх. направляться; отправляться

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "intend" в других словарях:

  • intend — 1. Intend is followed in standard usage by a to infinitive (We intend to go / We intended you to go), by a verbal noun (We intend going), or by a that clause (We intended that you should go). In the passive, it is followed by for in the meaning… …   Modern English usage

  • Intend — In*tend ([i^]n*t[e^]nd ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Intended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Intending}.] [OE. entenden to be attentive, F. entendre, fr. L. intendre, intentum, and intensum, to intend, attend, stretch out, extend; pref. in in + tendere to stretch …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • intend — intend, mean, design, propose, purpose signify to have in mind as an aim, end, or function. Intend implies that the mind is directed to some definite accomplishment or to the achievement of a definite end {if one earnestly intends a conspiracy,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • intend — in·tend /in tend/ vt: to have in one s mind as a purpose or goal did not intend to kill her Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. intend …   Law dictionary

  • intend — ► VERB 1) have as one s aim or plan. 2) plan that (something) should be, do, or mean something: the book was intended as a satire. 3) (intend for/to do) design or destine for a particular purpose. 4) (be intended for) be meant for the use of.… …   English terms dictionary

  • Intend — may refer to:* Intendant * Intended reader * Intending cross* Intend Change , a 1999 consulting businessee also* Intent * In * Tend …   Wikipedia

  • intend — [in tend′] vt. [ME entenden < OFr entendre < L intendere, to stretch out for, aim at < in , in, at + tendere, to stretch: see THIN] 1. to have in mind as a purpose; plan 2. to mean (something) to be or be used (for); design; destine [a… …   English World dictionary

  • intend — (v.) c.1300, direct one s attention to, from O.Fr. entendre, intendre to direct one s attention (in Modern French principally to hear ), from L. intendere turn one s attention, strain, lit. stretch out, extend, from in toward (see IN (Cf. in )… …   Etymology dictionary

  • intend — [v] have in mind; determine add up, aim, appoint, aspire to, attempt, be determined, be resolved, connote, contemplate, decree, dedicate, denote, design, designate, destine, devote, endeavor, essay, expect, express, figure on, have in mind, hope… …   New thesaurus

  • intend */*/*/ — UK [ɪnˈtend] / US verb [transitive] Word forms intend : present tense I/you/we/they intend he/she/it intends present participle intending past tense intended past participle intended 1) to have a plan in your mind to do something intend to do… …   English dictionary

  • intend — in|tend [ ın tend ] verb transitive *** 1. ) to have a plan in your mind to do something: intend to do something: What do you intend to do about this? intend someone/something to do something: I never intended it to turn out like that. intend… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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