Intelligential — In*tel li*gen tial, a. [Cf. F. intelligentiel.] [R.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of or pertaining to the intelligence; exercising or implying understanding; intellectual. With act intelligential. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Consisting of unembodied mind;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
intelligential — ə̇n.|telə|jenchəl adjective : of, like, relating to, or having intelligence : exercising or implying understanding the existential and the intelligential elements Heinrich Zimmer … Useful english dictionary
intelligential — adjective see intelligent … New Collegiate Dictionary
intelligential — /in tel i jen sheuhl/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the intelligence or understanding. 2. endowed with intelligence. 3. conveying information. [1605 15; < L intelligenti(a) INTELLIGENCE + AL1] * * * … Universalium
intelligential — adjective Of or pertaining to the intelligence … Wiktionary
intelligential — in·tel·li·gen·tial … English syllables
intelligential — /ɪnˌtɛləˈdʒɛnʃəl/ (say in.teluh jenshuhl) adjective 1. of or relating to the intelligence or understanding. 2. endowed with intelligence. 3. conveying information …
Miyu Greer — My HiME and My Otome character Voiced by Japanese Kiyomi Asai English Maizun Jayoussi Miyu Greer (深優・グリーア, Miyu Gurīa … Wikipedia
intelligent — adjective Etymology: Latin intelligent , intelligens, present participle of intelligere, intellegere to understand, from inter + legere to gather, select more at legend Date: 1509 1. a. having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Intelligence Corps (Israel) — The Israeli Intelligence Corps ( he. חיל המודיעין Heil HaModi in , abbreviated to Haman) is an Israel Defense Forces corps which falls under the jurisdiction of IDF Directorate of Military Intelligence (Aman) and is responsible for collecting,… … Wikipedia
Natsuki Kruger — Personnages de la série Mai Otome Cette page dresse une liste des personnages de l anime Mai Otome. Sommaire 1 Garderobe 1.1 Cinq Piliers 1.2 Personnel de Garderobe 1.3 Classe Corail … Wikipédia en Français