- insufflate
- [ʹınsʌfleıt] v спец.
вдувать (газ, порошок и т. п. - особ. в лечебных целях)
to insufflate a room with insecticide - обработать комнату инсектицидом
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to insufflate a room with insecticide - обработать комнату инсектицидом
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Insufflate — In*suf flate, a. [See {Insufflation}.] To blow upon; to breath upon or into; to use insufflation upon. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
insufflate — [in suf′lāt΄, in′sə flāt΄] vt. insufflated, insufflating [< L insufflatus, pp. of insufflare, to blow or breathe into < in , in + sufflare, to blow from below < sub , under + flare, to BLOW1] 1. to blow or breathe into or on 2. Med. to… … English World dictionary
insufflate — transitive verb see insufflation … New Collegiate Dictionary
insufflate — insufflation, n. insufflator, n. /in suf layt, in seuh flayt /, v.t., insufflated, insufflating. 1. to blow or breathe (something) in. 2. Med. to blow (air or a medicinal substance) into some opening or upon some part of the body. 3. Eccles. to… … Universalium
insufflate — verb /ˈɪnsʌfleɪt/ a) To breathe or blow into or on. b) To treat by blowing a gas, vapor, or powder into a body cavity. Syn: snort See Also: insufflation, insufflator … Wiktionary
insufflate — To deliver air or gas under pressure to a cavity or chamber of the body as, e.g,, the injection of carbon dioxide into the peritoneum to achieve pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopy and laparoscopic su … Medical dictionary
insufflate — in·suf·flate || ɪnsÊŒfleɪt v. blow in or on; blow air or medication into or onto the body (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
insufflate — [ ɪnsəfleɪt] verb 1》 Medicine blow or breathe (vapour, a powdered medicine, etc.) into or through a body cavity. 2》 Theology breathe on to symbolize spiritual influence. Derivatives insufflation noun Origin C17: from late L. insufflat ,… … English new terms dictionary
insufflate — in·suf·flate … English syllables
insufflate — in•suf•flate [[t]ɪnˈsʌf leɪt, ˈɪn səˌfleɪt[/t]] v. t. flat•ed, flat•ing 1) to blow or breathe in or on 2) med Med. to blow (air or a medicinal substance) into some opening or upon some part of the body 3) rel to breathe upon (a person being… … From formal English to slang
insufflate — /ˈɪnsəfleɪt/ (say insuhflayt) verb (t) (insufflated, insufflating) 1. to blow or breathe (something) in. 2. Medicine to blow (air or a medicinal substance) into some opening or upon some part of the body. 3. Ecclesiastical to breathe upon,… …