- apparatchik
- [ʹæpərætʃık] n русск.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Apparatchik — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Apparatchik (en ruso: аппаратчик; en AFI: [ʌpʌˈraʨɪk]; plural apparatchiki) es un término coloquial ruso que designaba a un funcionario profesional, a tiempo completo del Partido Comunista o la administración… … Wikipedia Español
apparatchik — [ aparatʃik ] n. m. • 1965; mot russe ♦ Polit. Membre influent du parti communiste soviétique. ♢ Par ext. (d un parti quelconque) « Le sort des urnes a fait échouer les “apparatchiks”, les hommes d appareil, des trois grandes formations… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Apparatchik — (Russian: аппаратчик, IPA ru|ɐpɐˈratɕɪk plural apparatchiki ) is a Russian colloquial term for a full time, professional functionary of the Communist Party or government; i.e., an agent of the governmental or party apparat (apparatus) that held… … Wikipedia
apparatchik — (n.) Communist agent or spy, 1941, originally in writings of Arthur Koestler, from Russian, from apparat political organization (see APPARAT (Cf. apparat)). Russian plural is apparatchiki … Etymology dictionary
apparatchik — ► NOUN (pl. apparatchiks or apparatchiki) 1) chiefly historical a member of the administrative system of a communist party. 2) derogatory or humorous an official in a large political organization. ORIGIN Russian, from German Apparat apparatus … English terms dictionary
apparatchik — [äp΄ə rä′chik] n. pl. apparatchiks or apparatchiki [äp΄ə rächi kē] [Russ < APPARAT] 1. a member, esp. an official, of a Communist Party 2. a member of any political organization; esp., a bureaucrat … English World dictionary
Apparatchik — Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Apparatchik », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Apparatchik (en russe : аппаратчик, apparat) désigne en Union soviétique et dans les démocraties populaires, les cadres… … Wikipédia en Français
apparatchik — noun /apəˈɹatʃɪk,æpəˈɹæʧɪk/ a) A member of the Soviet apparat; a Communist bureaucrat or agent. Whether conservatively toeing their Marx or boldly advocating such heretical Western style reforms as the primacy of profits, every important planner … Wiktionary
apparatchik — UK [ˌæpəˈrætʃɪk] / US noun [countable] Word forms apparatchik : singular apparatchik plural apparatchiks someone who works in an organization, especially a political party or large company, but is considered to have no views or beliefs of their… … English dictionary
apparatchik — noun (plural chiks; also apparatchiki) Etymology: Russian, from apparat Date: 1941 1. a member of a Communist apparat 2. a blindly devoted official, follower, or member of an organization (as a … New Collegiate Dictionary
apparatchik — /ah peuh rah chik/; Russ. /u pu rddaht chyik/, n., pl. apparatchiks; Russ. apparatchiki / chyi kyee/. a member of an apparat, esp. in a Communist country. [1940 45; < Russ apparátchik, equiv. to apparát APPARAT + chik agent suffix] * * * … Universalium