- insecticide
- [ınʹsektısaıd] n
1. спец. инсектицид, средство для истребления насекомых2. редк. уничтожение насекомых
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
insecticide — [ ɛ̃sɛktisid ] adj. et n. m. • 1838; de insecte et cide ♦ Qui tue, détruit les insectes. Poudre insecticide. N. m. Le D.D.T. est un insecticide. Une bombe d insecticide. ● insecticide adjectif et nom masculin Se dit d un produit utilisé dans la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Insecticide — In*sec ti*cide, n. [Insect + L. caedere to kill.] An agent or preparation for destroying insects; an insect powder or spray. {In*sec ti*ci dal}, a. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
insecticide — (n.) substance which kills insects, 1865, from INSECT (Cf. insect) + CIDE (Cf. cide) … Etymology dictionary
insecticide — ► NOUN ▪ a substance used for killing insects. DERIVATIVES insecticidal adjective … English terms dictionary
insecticide — [in sek′tə sīd΄] n. [< INSECT + CIDE] any substance used to kill insects insecticidal adj … English World dictionary
Insecticide — Étymologiquement, les insecticides sont des substances actives ou des préparations ayant la propriété de tuer les insectes, leurs larves et/ou leurs œufs. Ils font partie de la famille des pesticides, eux mêmes inclus dans la famille des biocides … Wikipédia en Français
Insecticide — For other uses, see Insecticide (disambiguation). An insecticide is a pesticide used against insects. They include ovicides and larvicides used against the eggs and larvae of insects respectively. Insecticides are used in agriculture, medicine,… … Wikipedia
insecticide — insecticidal, adj. /in sek teuh suyd /, n. 1. a substance or preparation used for killing insects. 2. the act of killing insects. [1860 65; INSECT + I + CIDE] * * * Any of a large group of substances used to kill insects. Such substances are… … Universalium
insecticide — Synonyms and related words: aborticide, acaricide, anthelmintic, antibiotic, antiseptic, bug bomb, carbamate insecticide, chemosterilant, chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, contact poison, defoliant, disinfectant, eradicant, fratricide,… … Moby Thesaurus
insecticide — n. to spray, spread, use an insecticide * * * [ɪn sektɪsaɪd] spread use an insecticide to spray … Combinatory dictionary
insecticide — [[t]ɪnse̱ktɪsaɪd[/t]] insecticides N MASS Insecticide is a chemical substance that is used to kill insects. Spray the plants with insecticide … English dictionary