- inoculable
- [ıʹnɒkjʋləb(ə)l] a мед.
1) передаваемый прививкой2) восприимчивый к трансмиссивным болезням3) трансмиссивный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
inoculable — [ inɔkylabl ] adj. • 1759; de inoculer ♦ Qui peut être inoculé. La rage est facilement inoculable. ● inoculable adjectif Qui peut être inoculé : Virus inoculable. ⇒INOCULABLE, adj. MÉD. [En parlant d une maladie, d un virus] Qui peut être inoculé … Encyclopédie Universelle
Inoculable — In*oc u*la*ble, a. [See {Inoculate}.] Capable of being inoculated; capable of communicating disease, or of being communicated, by inoculation. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inoculable — [i näk′yə lə bəl] adj. [ INOCULATE + ABLE] 1. that can be communicated by inoculation 2. that can be infected with a disease by inoculation 3. that may be used in inoculation inoculability n … English World dictionary
INOCULABLE — adj. des deux genres Qui peut être inoculé. La rage est inoculable … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
inoculable — 1. Transmissible by inoculation. 2. Susceptible to a disease transmissible by inoculation. * * * in·oc·u·la·ble in äk yə lə bəl adj susceptible to inoculation: not immune also transmissible by inoculation <an inoculable disease>… … Medical dictionary
inoculable — ► adjetivo Que puede ser inoculado o contagiado: ■ enfermedad inoculable. * * * ► adjetivo Que puede inocularse … Enciclopedia Universal
inoculable — inoculate ► VERB 1) another term for VACCINATE(Cf. ↑vaccination). 2) introduce (cells or organisms) into a culture medium. DERIVATIVES inoculable adjective inoculation noun inoculator noun. ORIGIN … English terms dictionary
inoculable — inoculability, n. /i nok yeuh leuh beuhl/, adj. capable of being inoculated. [1840 50; INOCUL(ATE) + ABLE] * * * … Universalium
inoculable — (i no ku la bl ) adj. Qui est susceptible d être inoculé. Maladies inoculables, les maladies virulentes … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
inoculable — adj. can be inoculated, can be immunized … English contemporary dictionary
inoculable — in·oc·u·la·ble … English syllables