Injurious — In*ju ri*ous, a. [L. injuriousus, injurius; cf. F. injurieux. See {Injury}.] 1. Not just; wrongful; iniquitous; culpable. [Obs.] Milton. [1913 Webster] Till the injurious Roman did extort This tribute from us, we were free. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
injurious — in·ju·ri·ous /in ju̇r ē əs/ adj: inflicting or tending to inflict injury in·ju·ri·ous·ly adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. injurious … Law dictionary
injurious — early 15c., abusive, from M.Fr. injurios (14c., Mod.Fr. injurieux) and directly from L. injuriosus unlawful, wrongful, harmful, noxious, from injuria (see INJURY (Cf. injury)). Related: Injuriously … Etymology dictionary
injurious — [adj] hurtful abusive, adverse, bad, baneful, corrupting, damaging, dangerous, deadly, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, disadvantageous, evil, harmful, iniquitous, insulting, libeling, mischievous, nocent, nocuous, noxious, opprobrious,… … New thesaurus
injurious — ► ADJECTIVE 1) causing or likely to cause injury. 2) (of language) maliciously insulting; libellous. DERIVATIVES injuriously adverb injuriousness noun … English terms dictionary
injurious — [in joor′ē əs] adj. [LME iniuryous < MFr injurieux < L injuriosus] 1. injuring or likely to cause injury; harmful 2. offensive or abusive; slanderous or libelous injuriously adv. injuriousness n … English World dictionary
injurious — injuriously, adv. injuriousness, n. /in joor ee euhs/, adj. 1. harmful, hurtful, or detrimental, as in effect: injurious eating habits. 2. doing or involving injury or wrong, as to another: injurious behavior. 3. insulting; abusive; defamatory;… … Universalium
injurious — [[t]ɪnʤʊ͟əriəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED: oft ADJ to n Something that is injurious to someone or to their health or reputation is harmful or damaging to them. [FORMAL] His continuance in the office of prime minister was injurious to the health of the… … English dictionary
injurious — adjective Date: 15th century 1. inflicting or tending to inflict injury ; detrimental < injurious to health > 2. abusive, defamatory < speak not injurious words George Washington > • injuriously adverb • injuriousness … New Collegiate Dictionary
injurious — adj. injurious to * * * [ɪn dʒʊ(ə)rɪəs] injurious to … Combinatory dictionary
injurious — in|ju|ri|ous [ınˈdʒuəriəs US ˈdʒur ] adj formal causing injury, harm, or damage injurious to ▪ Smoking is injurious to health … Dictionary of contemporary English