- ingrown
- [͵ınʹgrəʋn] a
1. вросший
ingrown nail - вросший ноготь
2. углублённый в себя, замкнутый
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ingrown nail - вросший ноготь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ingrown — In grown , a. Having grown or appearing to grow into some other substance, especially a fingernail or toenail growing into the adjacent flesh. [1913 Webster +PJC] {Ingrown toenail}, a toenail whose edges have becoming imbedded in the adjacent… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ingrown — index ingrained, provincial Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
ingrown — 1660s, native, innate, from IN (Cf. in) + GROWN (Cf. grown). Of nails, that has grown into the flesh, 1878 … Etymology dictionary
ingrown — ► ADJECTIVE 1) growing or having grown within; innate. 2) (of a toenail) having grown into the flesh. DERIVATIVES ingrowing adjective ingrowth noun … English terms dictionary
ingrown — [in′grōn΄] adj. 1. grown within, inward, or into; esp., grown into the flesh: said as of a toenail that curves under at the sides 2. inborn; native; innate … English World dictionary
ingrown — adjective Date: 1670 1. grown in; specifically having the free tip or edge embedded in the flesh < an ingrown toenail > 2. having the direction of growth or activity or interest inward rather than outward < swarms of ingrown, infighting… … New Collegiate Dictionary
ingrown — /in grohn /, adj. 1. having grown into the flesh: an ingrown toenail. 2. grown within or inward. [1660 70; IN 1 + GROWN] * * * … Universalium
ingrown — in·grown in .grōn adj grown in specif having the normally free tip or edge embedded in the flesh <an ingrown toenail> * * * in·grown (inґgrōn) having grown inward, into the flesh … Medical dictionary
ingrown — adj. Ingrown is used with these nouns: ↑toenail … Collocations dictionary
ingrown — in|grown [ ın,groun ] adjective AMERICAN an ingrown nail on your toe grows inward and is very painful … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ingrown — [[t]ɪ̱ngro͟ʊn[/t]] also ingrowing ADJ An ingrown toenail, or in British English an ingrowing toenail, is one which is growing into your toe, often causing you pain … English dictionary