- apophasis
- [əʹpɒfəsıs] n ритор.
фигура умолчания
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Apophasis — (ἀπόφασις, wörtlich „Aufdeckung“) bezeichnet ein Untersuchungsverfahren, das Mitte bis Ende des 4. Jahrhunderts vor Chr. im antiken Athen entwickelt wurde. Auf Antrag der ekklesia oder auf eigene Initiative untersuchte der Areopag Angelegenheiten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Apophasis — A*poph a*sis ([.a]*p[o^]f [.a]*s[i^]s), n. [Gr. apo fasis denial, fr. apofa nai to speak out, to deny.] (Rhet.) A figure by which a speaker formally declines to take notice of a favorable point, but in such a manner as to produce the effect… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apophasis — Not to be confused with Apophysis. Apophasis (Late Latin, from Greek ἀπόφασις from ἀποφάναι apophanai, to say no [1]) refers, in general, to mention by not mentioning . Apophasis covers a wide variety of figures of speech. Contents 1 Apophasis 2… … Wikipedia
apophasis — ; apophatic theology, via negative Apophasis (from Greek for decision or denial ) refers to a theology that approaches God by way of negation (a via negativa or negative route), by stating, for example, God is not this, God is not that. In… … Glossary of theological terms
apophasis — noun An allusion to something by denying that it will be mentioned I wont mention your bad grammar is an example of apophasis. See Also: apo , phasis, apophatic, apophatically … Wiktionary
apophasis — noun Etymology: Late Latin, repudiation, from Greek, denial, negation, from apophanai to deny, from apo + phanai to say more at ban Date: 1657 the raising of an issue by claiming not to mention it (as in “we won t discuss his past crimes”) … New Collegiate Dictionary
apophasis — /euh pof euh sis/, n. Rhet. denial of one s intention to speak of a subject that is at the same time named or insinuated, as I shall not mention Caesar s avarice, nor his cunning, nor his morality. [1650 60; < LL < Gk: a denial, equiv. to… … Universalium
apophasis — n. raising a particular issue by saying that it will not be mentioned (e.g., I will not bring up the fact that CEO Thomson has two children from an adulterous relationship ) … English contemporary dictionary
apophasis — /əˈpɒfəsəs/ (say uh pofuhsuhs) noun Rhetoric denial of an intention to speak of something which is at the same time hinted or insinuated. {Latin, from Greek: denial} …
apophasis — n. rhetorical device of emphasizing a fact, by pretending to ignore or deny it … Dictionary of difficult words
apophasis — noun mentioning something by saying it will not be mentioned • Derivationally related forms: ↑apophatic • Hypernyms: ↑rhetorical device … Useful english dictionary