- infusive
- [ınʹfju:sıv] a
вдохновляющий, воодушевляющий, вселяющий бодрость
the infusive force of spring - живительная сила весны
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the infusive force of spring - живительная сила весны
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Infusive — In*fu sive, a. Having the power of infusion; inspiring; influencing. [1913 Webster] The infusive force of Spirit on man. Thomson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
infusive — [in fyo͞o′siv] adj. tending or able to infuse … English World dictionary
infusive — ə̇nˈfyüsiv, üziv adjective : inspiring, influencing the infusive force of Spring on man James Thomson †1748 … Useful english dictionary
infusive — /in fyooh siv/, adj. capable of infusing; inspiring. [1620 30; INFUSE + IVE] * * * … Universalium
infusive — in·fu·sive … English syllables
exhilarating — Synonyms and related words: activating, agitating, animating, animative, bracing, breathtaking, brisk, charged, cheerful, cheering, cheery, cliff hanging, comforting, cordial, crisp, crispy, delightful, disquieting, distracting, disturbing,… … Moby Thesaurus
inspiring — Synonyms and related words: animating, auspicious, bright with promise, cheerful, cheering, cheery, dignified, elevated, encouraging, enlivening, exhilarating, exhilarative, favorable, full of promise, glad, gladdening, grand, grave, heart… … Moby Thesaurus
infuse — /ɪnˈfjuz / (say in fyoohz) verb (t) (infused, infusing) 1. to steep or soak (a plant, etc.) in a liquid so as to extract its soluble properties or ingredients. 2. Cookery to boil slowly in a solution. 3. to pour in. –phrase 4. infuse into, to… …
spring — 1. чавыча 2. весна to testify of spring свидетельствовать о приближении весны winter is succeeded by spring после зимы наступает весна the change from winter to spring переход от зимы к весне I saw her in the early spring я видел её ранней весной … English-Russian travelling dictionary
infuse — v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by with) imbue; pervade (anger infused with resentment). 2 tr. steep (herbs, tea, etc.) in liquid to extract the content. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by into) instil (grace, spirit, life, etc.). 4 intr. undergo infusion (let it infuse… … Useful english dictionary