- information explosion
- [͵ınfəʹmeıʃ(ə)nıkʹspləʋʒ(ə)n]
«информационный взрыв», быстрый рост количества информации
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Information explosion — is a term that describes the rapidly increasing amount of published information and the effects of this abundance of data. As the amount of available data grows, the problem of managing the information becomes more difficult, which can lead to… … Wikipedia
Information overload — refers to excess amounts of information being provided, making the processing and absorbing tasks very difficult for the individual because we cannot see the validity behind the information (Yang, 2003 [Yang, C.C. (2003) Decision Support Systems … Wikipedia
Information grazing — is the acquiring of needed knowledge just in time to quickly solve problems or answer questions. Unlike tradition learning where one could hope to be a renaissance man or know a subject in total, information grazing assumes that the subject of… … Wikipedia
explosion — noun 1 sudden loud bursting/exploding ADJECTIVE ▪ almighty (esp. BrE), big, deafening, enormous, great, huge, large, loud, major, massive … Collocations dictionary
Information filtering system — An Information filtering system is a system that removes redundant or unwanted information from an information stream using (semi)automated or computerized methods prior to presentation to a human user. Its main goal is the management of the… … Wikipedia
information theory — Synonyms and related words: EDP, automatic electronics, autonetics, bionics, bit, channel, circuit analysis, communication engineering, communication explosion, communication technology, communication theory, communications, communications… … Moby Thesaurus
explosion — Synonyms and related words: accelerando, acceleration, access, aggravation, backfire, bang, bark, beefing up, blast, blaze, blaze of temper, blowing up, blowout, blowup, boom, burgeoning, burst, clap, concentration, condensation, consolidation,… … Moby Thesaurus
information — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) What one is told Nouns 1. information, enlightenment, acquaintance, knowledge; data; publicity (see publication); communication, intimation; notice, notification; word, advice, annunciation;… … English dictionary for students
Explosion de l'usine AZF — de Toulouse Pour les articles homonymes, voir AZF. La cheminée de l usine vue du centre ville via les jumelles touristiques installées sur le … Wikipédia en Français
Explosion Combinatoire — Pour les articles homonymes, voir combinatoire (homonymie). On nomme explosion combinatoire en recherche opérationnelle, et en particulier dans le domaine de la programmation dynamique, le fait qu un petit changement du nombre de données à… … Wikipédia en Français
Explosion De La Navette Spatiale Challenger — Accident de la navette spatiale Challenger Cet article concerne l accident de la navette spatiale Challenger. Pour l article sur la mission et l équipage de cette navette, voir STS 51 L … Wikipédia en Français