Смотреть что такое "inflectional" в других словарях:
inflectional — [in flek′shə nəl] adj. 1. of, having, or expressing grammatical inflection [an inflectional suffix] 2. characterized by the use of inflection to express grammatical relations [Greek and Latin are inflectional languages] inflectionally adv … English World dictionary
Inflectional — In*flec tion*al, a. Of or pertaining to inflection; having, or characterized by, inflection. Max M[ u]ller. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inflectional — adjective Date: 1832 of, relating to, or characterized by inflection < an inflectional suffix > • inflectionally adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
inflectional — inflectionally, adv. /in flek sheuh nl/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or used in inflection: an inflectional ending. 2. Ling. pertaining to or noting a language, as Latin, characterized by the use of inflection, esp. morphemic fusion or irregular… … Universalium
inflectional — inflection (chiefly Brit. also inflexion) ► NOUN 1) Grammar a change in the form of a word (typically the ending) to express a grammatical function or attribute such as tense, mood, person, number, case, and gender. 2) a variation in intonation… … English terms dictionary
inflectional — adjective characterized by inflections indicating grammatical distinctions inflectional morphology is used to indicate number and case and tense and person etc. • Ant: ↑derivational • Derivationally related forms: ↑inflection … Useful english dictionary
Inflectional morphology — is a part of the study of linguistics.To apply an inflection is to change the form of a word so as to give it extra meaning. This extra meaning could be:* Number * Person * Case * Gender * Tense * Mood * Aspect * Politeness (as in the Japanese… … Wikipedia
inflectional language — inflectional language, a language in which words change form in accordance with grammatical relationships, as Latin and Russian … Useful english dictionary
Inflectional phrase — An inflectional phrase (or IP) is essentially the same as a sentence in which the verb has finite form.It is a functional phrase which has of inflection i.e., tense and also*Clause *Phrase *Sentence (linguistics) … Wikipedia
inflectional ending — noun an inflection that is added at the end of a root word • Syn: ↑inflectional suffix • Hypernyms: ↑ending, ↑termination … Useful english dictionary
inflectional suffix — noun an inflection that is added at the end of a root word • Syn: ↑inflectional ending • Hypernyms: ↑ending, ↑termination … Useful english dictionary