- infertile
- [ınʹfɜ:taıl] a
неплодородный; бесплодный
infertile soil - неплодородная почва
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
infertile soil - неплодородная почва
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
infertile — [ ɛ̃fɛrtil ] adj. • 1434; bas lat. infertilis ♦ Littér. Qui n est pas fertile. ⇒ infécond. Champ, sol, terre infertile. Contrées infertiles. ⇒ désertique, inculte. ♢ Fig. Qui ne produit rien. ⇒ improductif. Esprit, imagination infertile. ⇒ pauvre … Encyclopédie Universelle
infertile — Infertile. adj. de t. g. Sterile, Qui ne produit rien, qui ne rapporte rien, ou qui ne rapporte que peu. Un champ infertile. des terres infertiles. pays infertile. On dit fig. Un esprit infertile. un sujet infertile, pour dire, Un esprit qui ne… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Infertile — In*fer tile, a. [L. infertilis: cf. F. infertile. See {In } not, and {Fertile}.] Not fertile; not productive; barren; sterile; unable to propagate its kind; as, an infertile soil; an infertile hybrid; of living things and of soil or land. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
infertile — (adj.) 1590s, from Fr. infertile (late 15c.), from L.L. infertilis unfruitful, from in not, opposite of (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + fertilis (see FERTILE (Cf. fertile)) … Etymology dictionary
infertile — index barren, otiose, unproductive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
infertile — /in fɛrtile/ agg. [der. di fertile, col pref. in 2], non com. (biol.) [che non può fecondare o essere fecondato] ▶◀ e ◀▶ [➨ infecondo (1)] … Enciclopedia Italiana
infertile — *sterile, barren, impotent, unfruitful Analogous words: *dry, arid: impoverished, exhausted, drained, depleted (see DEPLETE) Antonyms: fertile Contrasted words: fecund, fruitful, prolific (see FERTILE): producing or productive, bearing, yielding… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
infertile — [adj] not bearing fruit, young barren, depleted, drained, effete, exhausted, impotent, impoverished, infecund, nonproductive, sterile, unbearing, unfertile, unfruitful, unproductive; concepts 406,560 Ant. fertile, fruitful, potent, productive … New thesaurus
infertile — Infertile, Infoecundus, Infoelix … Thresor de la langue françoyse
infertile — ► ADJECTIVE 1) unable to reproduce. 2) (of land) unable to sustain crops or vegetation. DERIVATIVES infertility noun … English terms dictionary
infertile — [in fʉrt′ l] adj. [MFr < L infertilis] 1. not fertile; not productive; barren 2. not fertilized, as an egg SYN. STERILE infertility [in΄fər til′ə tē] n … English World dictionary