- inevasible
- [͵ınıʹveısəb(ə)l] a книжн.
неизбежный, неминуемый
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Inevasible — In e*va si*ble, a. Incapable of being evaded; inevitable; unavoidable. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inevasible — index definite, inevitable, irrevocable, requisite, unavoidable (inevitable) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
inevasible — in·eva·si·ble … English syllables
inevasible — |inə̇|vāzəbəl, āsə adjective Etymology: in (I) + Latin evasus (past participle of evadere to evade) + English ible more at evade : inevitable … Useful english dictionary
indispensable — adj 1. vital, essential, of the essence, important, of the utmost importance; imperative, urgent, exigent, instant, pressing, compelling, high priority, high pressure, life and death or life or death; necessary, needed, needful, called for, in… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
irrevocable — ir·rev·o·ca·ble /ir re və kə bəl/ adj: not capable of being revoked the offer was irrevocable for ten days ir·rev·o·ca·bil·i·ty n ir·rev·o·ca·bly adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
unavoidable — I (inevitable) adjective avoidless, certain, coercive, compelling, compulsory, fated, fixed, impending, imperative, inavertible, ineluctable, includible, inescapable, inevasible, inevitabilis, inexorable, involuntary, irresistible, irrevocable,… … Law dictionary
definite — I adjective absolute, accurate, actual, allowed, ascertained, assured, attested, authoritative, axiomatic, beyond all dispute, beyond all question, bound, bounded with precision, categorical, certain, certified, certus, clear, clear cut,… … Law dictionary
inevitable — I adjective about to happen, approaching, assured, at hand, brewing, certain, decided, definite, destined, determined, fated, fixed, following, foreordained, forthcoming, guaranteed, imminent, impending, in store, in the offing, ineluctable,… … Law dictionary
requisite — I adjective basic, binding, called for, compulsory, crying, demanded, entailed, essential, exigent, expedient, imperative, important, in demand, incumbent on, indispensable, ineluctable, inevasible, instant, mandatory, must, necessahus, necessary … Law dictionary
certain — Synonyms and related words: a, a certain, absolute, accurate, actual, adducible, admissible, agape, agog, all agog, an, anticipant, anticipating, anticipative, anticipatory, any, any one, apodictic, ascertained, assured, atomic, attestative,… … Moby Thesaurus