- inerudite
- [ınʹerʋdaıt] a редк.
неэрудированный; необразованный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Inerudite — In*er u*dite, a. [L. ineruditus. See {In } not, and {Erudite}.] Not erudite; unlearned; ignorant. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inerudite — in·erudite … English syllables
inerudite — (ˈ)in, ən+ adjective Etymology: Latin ineruditus, from in in (I) + eruditus learned, skilled, experienced more at erudite : not erudite : ignorant … Useful english dictionary
ignorant — I (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Unaware] Syn. unconscious, uninformed, unknowing, uninitiated, inexperienced, unwitting, unmindful, disregarding, misinformed, unsuspecting, oblivious, insensible, mindless, witless, unconversant with, unintelligent,… … English dictionary for students
inerudito — pl.m. ineruditi sing.f. inerudita pl.f. inerudite … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
dark — adj 1. lightless, aphotic, opaque, black, black as ink, inky, pitch dark, pitchy, jetblack, jetty; unilluminated, unlit, shady, shadowy, Literary. darkling; murky, foggy, misty, tenebrous, Archaic. caligi nous; dull, dim, faint, pale, feeble,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
illiterate — [adj] unable to read well; lacking education benighted, catachrestic, ignorant, inerudite, solecistic, uneducated, unenlightened, ungrammatical, uninstructed, unlearned, unlettered, unread, unschooled, untaught, untutored; concept 402 Ant. able,… … New thesaurus
uneducated — [adj] lacking knowledge benighted, empty headed, ignoramus, ignorant, illiterate, inerudite, know nothing*, lowbrow*, uncultivated, uncultured, uninstructed, unlearned, unlettered, unread, unrefined, unschooled, untaught, untutored; concept 402… … New thesaurus
sçavoir — I. Sçavoir, Aucuns sont d advis qu il faut escrire Savoir, et que de cet infinitif Sapere, en muant p en u, on a premierement fait Saver, et depuis Savoir, Scire, noscere. l Italien dit Sapere, et l Espagnol Saber, et esdites trois langues ores… … Thresor de la langue françoyse