
[əkʹseptəns] n
1. принятие; приём

acceptance of an invitation - принятие приглашения

speech of acceptance - амер. речь с выражением согласия баллотироваться в президенты или в губернаторы

acceptance flight - ав. приёмно-сдаточный испытательный полёт

acceptance pilot - лётчик-испытатель

acceptance trial - спец. приёмные испытания

acceptance sampling - ком. выборочный контроль при приёмке (товаров)

2. признание; одобрение

to find acceptance - находить признание

acceptance of a theory - согласие с какой-л. теорией

to find market acceptance - найти рынок сбыта /покупателей/ (о новом товаре)

3. = acceptation
4. фин. акцепт; акцептование

acceptance general - акцептование векселя без каких-л. оговорок

acceptance qualified, acceptance special - акцептование векселя с оговорками в отношении условий

5. приёмка (готовых изделий)
6. физ. аксептанс (диапазон захвата)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "acceptance" в других словарях:

  • acceptance — I noun accedence, acceptio, accession, accordance, acknowledgment, acquiescence, adoption, agreement, allowance, approbation, approval, assent, assurance, compliance, comprobatio, concordance, consent, endorsement, ratification, receipt,… …   Law dictionary

  • Acceptance — Acceptance, in spirituality, mindfulness, and human psychology, usually refers to the experience of a situation without an intention to change that situation. Indeed, acceptance is often suggested when a situation is both disliked and… …   Wikipedia

  • Acceptance — • In canon law, the act by which one receives a thing with approbation or satisfaction Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Acceptance     Acceptance      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Acceptance — Ac*cept ance, n. 1. The act of accepting; a receiving what is offered, with approbation, satisfaction, or acquiescence; esp., favorable reception; approval; as, the acceptance of a gift, office, doctrine, etc. [1913 Webster] They shall come up… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • acceptance — acceptance, acceptation have both at one time or another carried the meanings: the act or fact of accepting or the state of being accepted. Present usage, however, restricts their denotations. Acceptance only is used to denote the act of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • acceptance — [ak sep′təns, əksep′təns] n. 1. an accepting or being accepted 2. approving reception; approval; acceptability 3. belief in; assent 4. a draft or bill of exchange that has been accepted for payment: cf. BANKER S ACCEPTANCE, TRADE ACCEPTANCE 5.… …   English World dictionary

  • Acceptance — Episodio de Héroes Episodio nº 3 Temporada 4 Escrito por Bryan Fuller Dirigido por Greg Beeman …   Wikipedia Español

  • acceptance — (n.) 1570s, from M.Fr. acceptance, from accepter (see ACCEPT (Cf. accept)). Earlier in same sense was acceptation (late 14c.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • acceptance — [n1] agreement, taking accepting, acknowledgment, acquiring, admission, approval, assent, compliance, consent, cooperation, gaining, getting, go ahead*, green light*, nod*, obtaining, okay, permission, receipt, receiving, reception, recognition,… …   New thesaurus

  • Acceptance — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Alternative Rock Gründung 1998 Auflösung 2006 Website …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • acceptance — The act of accepting something, usually a contract. For example, an offer is made to some person that that person buys certain goods for a certain amount of money. If the person to whom the offer is made agrees, then the offer is considered to be …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

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