
[ınʹdʌldʒ] v
1. 1) быть снисходительным (к кому-л.); потворствовать; разг. потакать

to indulge smb.'s desires [whims /fancies/] - потакать чьим-л. желаниям [причудам]

to indulge a sick person - выполнять капризы больного

to indulge one's children - баловать своих детей, потакать своим детям

you can't indulge every creature - на всех не угодишь

2) (обыкн. in) доставить себе удовольствие, не отказать себе (в удовольствии); позволить себе

to indulge in amusements - предаваться удовольствиям

to indulge in a cigar [in a nap] - позволить себе /не отказать себе в удовольствии/ выкурить сигару [вздремнуть]

to indulge in noisy games - с удовольствием играть в шумные игры

he seldom indulges in a holiday [in a new suit] - он редко позволяет себе отдохнуть [купить новый костюм]

to indulge a vain hope - льстить себя пустой /тщетной/ надеждой, обольщаться

2. (with) доставлять удовольствие, развлекать

he indulged the company with a song - он развлекал компанию /гостей/ пением

to indulge oneself with a cigar - с удовольствием выкурить сигару [ср. тж. 1, 2)]

3. разг. выпивать

I'm afraid he indulges too much - я боюсь, что он много пьёт

will you indulge? - шутл. выпьешь?

4. ком. дать отсрочку платежа по векселю

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Смотреть что такое "indulge" в других словарях:

  • Indulge — In*dulge , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Indulged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Indulging}.] [L. indulgere to be kind or tender to one; cf. OIr. dilgud, equiv. to L. remissio, OIr. dligeth, equiv. to L. lex, Goth. dulgs debt.] [1913 Webster] 1. To be complacent… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • indulge — [in dulj′] vt. indulged, indulging [L indulgere, to be kind to, yield to < in + base prob. akin to Gr dolichos, long & Goth tulgus, firm] 1. to yield to or satisfy (a desire); give oneself up to [to indulge a craving for sweets] 2. to gratify… …   English World dictionary

  • Indulge — In*dulge , v. i. To indulge one s self; to gratify one s tastes or desires; esp., to give one s self up (to); to practice a forbidden or questionable act without restraint; followed by in, but formerly, also, by to. Willing to indulge in easy… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • indulge — indulge, pamper, humor, spoil, baby, mollycoddle mean to show undue favor or attention to a person or his desires. Indulge implies weakness or compliance in gratifying another s wishes or desires, especially those which have no claim to… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • indulge — [v1] treat oneself or another to allow, baby, cater, coddle, cosset, delight, entertain, favor, foster, give in, give rein to*, go along, go easy on*, gratify, humor, mollycoddle*, nourish, oblige, pamper, pander, pet, please, regale, satiate,… …   New thesaurus

  • indulge — ► VERB 1) (indulge in) allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of. 2) satisfy or yield freely to (a desire or interest). 3) allow (someone) to do or have something. DERIVATIVES indulger noun. ORIGIN Latin indulgere give free rein to …   English terms dictionary

  • indulge — index bestow, enable, foster, furnish, give (grant), grant (concede), let (p …   Law dictionary

  • indulge — (v.) 1630s, to grant as a favor; 1650s, of both persons and desires, to treat with unearned favor; a back formation from INDULGENCE (Cf. indulgence), or else from L. indulgere to be complaisant. Related: Indulged; indulging …   Etymology dictionary

  • indulge */ — UK [ɪnˈdʌldʒ] / US verb Word forms indulge : present tense I/you/we/they indulge he/she/it indulges present participle indulging past tense indulged past participle indulged 1) [intransitive/transitive] to allow yourself to have or do something… …   English dictionary

  • indulge — in|dulge [ ın dʌldʒ ] verb * 1. ) intransitive or transitive to allow yourself to have or do something that you enjoy: indulge in: an opportunity to indulge in leisure activities like reading indulge yourself (in something): Indulge yourself come …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • indulge — 01. My wife loves to [indulge] in a nice glass of red wine on Fridays after work. 02. Our new spa lets you [indulge] yourself at a reasonable price. 03. His CD collection is his one [indulgence] that he spends a lot of money on. 04. His… …   Grammatical examples in English

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