- apodyterium
- [͵æpəʋdıʹtı(ə)rıəm] n
раздевальная перед баней или гимнастическим залом (в Древней Греции и в Древнем Риме)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Apodyterium — [griechisch] das, s/...ri |en, Umkleideraum in den antiken Thermen. * * * Apo|dy|te|ri|on, Apo|dy|te|ri|um, das; s, ...ien [lat. apodyterium < griech. apodyte̅rion]: (in der römischen Antike) Umkleideraum in den Thermen (2) … Universal-Lexikon
apodyterium — (n.) 1690s, from L. apodyterium undressing room (in a bath house), from Gk. apodyterion undressing room, from apodyein to put off, undress, from apo off (see APO (Cf. apo )) + dyein to put on, enter, go in … Etymology dictionary
Apodyterium — A*pod y*te ri*um, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to strip one s self.] (Anc. Arch.) The apartment at the entrance of the baths, or in the palestra, where one stripped; a dressing room. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
APODYTERIUM — pars illa Palaestrae seu Gymnasii potius, quae alias Spoliatorium, quod vide … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Apodyterium — Thermes urbains d Herculanum, avec un apodyterium pour chaque section … Wikipédia en Français
Apodyterium — In ancient Rome, the apodyterium was the primary entry in the public baths, composed of a large changing room with cubicles or shelves where citizens could store clothing and other belongings while bathing. Privately owned slaves, or one hired at … Wikipedia
Apodyterium — Apodyterion in den Stabianer Thermen in Pompeji Als Apodyterion (griechisch ἀποδυτέριον) bzw. latinisiert Apodyterium wird der An und Auskleideraum im griechischen und römischen öffentlichen Bad (Thermen) bezeichnet. Auch in der … Deutsch Wikipedia
apodytérium — (a po di té ri om ) s. m. Terme d architecture ancienne. Lieu où l on se déshabillait dans une palestre ou dans des bains publics. ÉTYMOLOGIE Terme composé de ANA exprimant enlèvement, et du verbe grec vêtir … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
apodyterium — ap·o·dy·te·ri·um … English syllables
apodyterium — … Useful english dictionary
Thermae — This page is on buildings used for Roman bathing. For the activity in general, see Ancient Roman bathing. The terms balnea or thermae were the words the ancient Romans used for the buildings housing their public baths.Most Roman cities had at… … Wikipedia