- indoeuropean
- Indo-European
1> индоевропеец
2> индоевропейский
Indo-European linguistics индоевропеистика
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
indoeuropean — INDO EUROPEÁN, Ă, indo europeni, e, adj., s.m. pl. 1. adj. (În sintagma) Limbi indo europene (şi substantivat, f. sg.) = familie de limbi reprezentând continuarea unei limbi neatestate în texte scrise, dar reconstituită, în esenţă, cu ajutorul… … Dicționar Român
Giovanni Semerano — (1913 Florence, 2005) was an Italian philologist who studied the languages of Ancient Mesopotamia. He obtained his degree in Florence, where among his teachers were the Hellenist Ettore Bignone, the philologist Giorgio Pasquali and the semitists… … Wikipedia
Diana (mythology) — Ancient Roman religion Marcus Aurelius (head covered) sacrificing at the Temple of Jupiter … Wikipedia
Vercingetorix — (pronounced|werkiŋˈɡetoriks in Latin), born around 82 BC, died 46 BC, was chieftain of the Arverni, originating from the Arvernian city of Gergovia and known as the man who led the Gauls in their ultimately unsuccessful war against Roman rule… … Wikipedia
Theorie de la continuite paleolithique — Théorie de la continuité paléolithique La Théorie de la continuité paléolithique (PCT) imaginée par le linguiste italien Mario Alinei propose de faire remonter au paléolithique final l origine des langues indo européennes et rejette l hypothèse… … Wikipédia en Français
Théorie de la Continuité Paléolithique — La Théorie de la continuité paléolithique (PCT) imaginée par le linguiste italien Mario Alinei propose de faire remonter au paléolithique final l origine des langues indo européennes et rejette l hypothèse communément admise d une invasion par… … Wikipédia en Français
Janus — For other uses, see Janus (disambiguation). Bifrons redirects here. For other uses, see Bifrons (disambiguation). A statue representing Janus Bifrons in the Vatican Museums In ancient Roman religion and mythology, Janus is the god of beginnings… … Wikipedia
Asclepius — Infobox Greek deity Caption = Statue of Asclepius with his symbol, the serpent entwined staff Name = Asclepius God of = God of medicine, healing, and physicians Abode = Symbol = A serpent entwined staff Consort = Epione Parents = Apollo and… … Wikipedia
Yuezhi — Yuezhi/Rouzhi The migrations of the Yuezhi through Central Asia, from around 176 BCE to 30 CE Total population Some 100,000 to 200,000 horse archers, according to the Shiji, Chapter 123 … Wikipedia
Kanun — For other uses, see Kanun (disambiguation). The Kanun (or Kanuni in its defined form in Albanian) is a set of traditional Albanian laws. The Kanun was primarily oral and only in the 20th century was it published in writing.[1] There is only one… … Wikipedia
Ionians — The Ionians (Greek: Polytonic|Ἴωνες, Iōnes, singular Polytonic|Ἴων) were one of the three populations into which the ancient Greeks considered the population of Hellenes to have been divided. Ionian with reference to populations had two senses in … Wikipedia